We conclude our study of the method of Frobenius for finding series solutions of linear second order differential equations, considering the case where the indicial equation has distinct real roots that differ by an integer.

The Method of Frobenius III

In Trench 7.5 and 7.6 we discussed methods for finding Frobenius solutions of a homogeneous linear second order equation near a regular singular point in the case where the indicial equation has a repeated root or distinct real roots that don’t differ by an integer. In this section we consider the case where the indicial equation has distinct real roots that differ by an integer. We’ll limit our discussion to equations that can be written as

or where the roots of the indicial equation differ by a positive integer.

We begin with a theorem that provides a fundamental set of solutions of equations of the form (eq:7.7.1).

Theorem thmtype:7.5.3 implies that . We’ll now show that . Since is a linear operator, this is equivalent to showing that To verify this, we’ll show that and This will imply that , since substituting (eq:7.7.7) and (eq:7.7.8) into (eq:7.7.6) and using (eq:7.7.4) yields

We’ll prove (eq:7.7.8) first. From Theorem thmtype:7.6.1, Setting and recalling that and yields

Since and are the roots of the indicial equation, the indicial polynomial can be written as Differentiating this yields Therefore , so (eq:7.7.9) implies (eq:7.7.8).

Before proving (eq:7.7.7), we first note is well defined by (eq:7.7.3) for , since for these values of . However, we can’t define for with (eq:7.7.3), since . For convenience, we define for . Then, from Theorem thmtype:7.5.1,

where and If , then (eq:7.7.3) implies that . If , then because . Therefore (eq:7.7.10) reduces to Since and , this implies (eq:7.7.7).

We leave the proof that is a fundamental set as an exercise.

If in (eq:7.7.4), there’s no need to compute in the formula (eq:7.7.5) for . Therefore it’s best to compute before computing . This is illustrated in the next example.

We now consider equations of the form where the roots of the indicial equation are real and differ by an even integer. The proof of the next theorem is similar to the proof of Theorem thmtype:7.7.1

Text Source

Trench, William F., ”Elementary Differential Equations” (2013). Faculty Authored and Edited Books & CDs. 8. (CC-BY-NC-SA)
