The principle of superposition shows that the set of all solutions to a homogeneous system of linear equations is closed under addition and scalar multiplication and is a subspace. Indeed, there are two ways to describe subspaces: first as solutions to linear systems, and second as the span of a set of vectors. We shall see that solving a homogeneous linear system of equations just means writing the solution set as the span of a finite set of vectors.

Solutions to Homogeneous Systems Form Subspaces

Suppose that and are solutions to (??). Then so is a solution of (??). Similarly, for so is a solution of (??). Thus, and are in the null space of , and the null space is closed under addition and scalar multiplication. So Theorem ?? implies that the null space is a subspace of the vector space .
Solutions to Linear Systems of Differential Equations Form Subspaces

Let be an matrix and let be the set of solutions to the linear system of ordinary differential equations

We will see later that a solution to (??) has coordinate functions in . The principle of superposition then shows that is a subspace of . Suppose and are solutions of (??). Then so is a solution of (??) and in . A similar calculation shows that is also in and that is a subspace.

Writing Solution Subspaces as a Span

The way we solve homogeneous systems of equations gives a second method for defining subspaces. For example, consider the system where The matrix is row equivalent to the reduced echelon form matrix Therefore is a solution of if and only if and . It follows that every solution of can be written as: Since row operations do not change the set of solutions, it follows that every solution of has this form. We have also shown that every solution is generated by two vectors by use of vector addition and scalar multiplication. We say that this subspace is spanned by the two vectors For example, a calculation verifies that the vector is also a solution of . Indeed, we may write it as


Let be a set of vectors in a vector space . A vector is a linear combination of if for some scalars .

For example, the vector on the left hand side in (??) is a linear combination of the two vectors on the right hand side.

The simplest example of a span is itself. Let where is the vector with a in the coordinate and in all other coordinates. Then every vector can be written as It follows that Similarly, the set is just the -plane, since vectors in this span are

Suppose . Then
for some scalars and . It follows that and are both in . Hence is closed under addition and scalar multiplication, and is a subspace by Theorem ??.

For example, let

be vectors in . Then linear combinations of the vectors and have the form for real numbers and . Note that every one of these vectors is a solution to the linear equation that is, the coordinate minus twice the coordinate plus the coordinate equals zero. Moreover, you may verify that every solution of (??) is a linear combination of the vectors and in (??). Thus, the set of solutions to the homogeneous linear equation (??) is a subspace, and that subspace can be written as the span of all linear combinations of the vectors and .

In this language we see that the process of solving a homogeneous system of linear equations is just the process of finding a set of vectors that span the subspace of all solutions. Indeed, we can now restate Theorem ?? of Chapter ??. Recall that a matrix has rank if it is row equivalent to a matrix in echelon form with nonzero rows.

We have now seen that there are two ways to describe subspaces — as solutions of homogeneous systems of linear equations and as a span of a set of vectors, the spanning set. Much of linear algebra is concerned with determining how one goes from one description of a subspace to the other.


In Exercises ?? – ?? a single equation in three variables is given. For each equation write the subspace of solutions in as the span of two vectors in .


In Exercises ?? – ?? each of the given matrices is in reduced echelon form. Write solutions of the corresponding homogeneous system of linear equations as a span of vectors.

Write a system of two linear equations of the form where is a matrix whose subspace of solutions in is the span of the two vectors
Write the matrix as a linear combination of the matrices
Is in the span of and ? Answer this question by setting up a system of linear equations and solving that system by row reducing the associated augmented matrix.

In Exercises ?? – ?? let be the subspace spanned by the two polynomials and . For the given function decide whether or not is an element of . Furthermore, if , determine whether the set is a spanning set for .

Let be the subspace that is spanned by the vectors Find a linear system of two equations such that is the set of solutions of this system.
Let be a vector space and let be a nonzero vector. Show that
Let be a vector space and let be vectors. Show that
Let be a subspace of the vector space and let be another vector. Prove that .
Let be a system of linear equations in unknowns, and let and . Suppose that this system has a unique solution. What can you say about the relative magnitudes of ?