There is a simple way for determining whether a matrix is invertible and there is a simple formula for finding . First, we present the formula. Let and suppose that . Then

This is most easily verified by directly applying the formula for matrix multiplication. So is invertible when . We shall prove below that must be nonzero when is invertible.

From this discussion it is clear that the number must be an important quantity for matrices. So we define:

Both (a) and (b) are easily verified by direct calculation. Property (c) is also verified by direct calculation — but of a more extensive sort. Note that Therefore,
as asserted.

If is invertible, then . Proposition ?? implies that Therefore, . Conversely, if , then (??) implies that is invertible.

Determinants and Area

Suppose that and are two vectors in that point in different directions. Then, the set of points is a parallelogram, that we denote by . We denote the area of by . For example, the unit square , whose corners are , , , and , is the parallelogram generated by the unit vectors and .

Next let be a matrix and let It follows from linearity (since ) that is the parallelogram generated by and .

Note that is the parallelogram generated by and , and and are the columns of . It follows that Hence Recall that (??) of Chapter ?? states that where is the parallelogram generated by and . Therefore, and (??) is verified.

First note that (??) a special case of (??), since . Next, let be the parallelogram generated by the (column) vectors and , and let . Then . It follows from (??) that . Moreover,
as desired.


Find the inverse of the matrix
Find the inverse of the shear matrix .
Show that the matrix is row equivalent to if and only if . Hint: Prove this result separately in the two cases and .
Let be a matrix having integer entries. Find a condition on the entries of that guarantees that has integer entries.
Let be a matrix and assume that . Then use the explicit form for given in (??) to verify that
Sketch the triangle whose vertices are , , and ; and find the area of this triangle. Let Sketch the triangle whose vertices are , , and ; and find the area of this triangle.
Cramer’s rule provides a method based on determinants for finding the unique solution to the linear equation when is an invertible matrix. More precisely, let be an invertible matrix and let be a column vector. Let be the matrix obtained from by replacing the column of by the vector . Let be the unique solution to . Then Cramer’s rule states that Prove Cramer’s rule. Hint: Write the general system of two equations in two unknowns as
Subtract times the second equation from times the first equation to eliminate ; then solve for , and verify (??). Use a similar calculation to solve for .

In Exercises ?? – ?? use Cramer’s rule (??) to solve the given system of linear equations.

Solve for .
Solve for .
Use MATLAB to choose five matrices at random and compute their inverses. Do you get the impression that ‘typically’ matrices are invertible? Try to find a reason for this fact using the determinant of matrices.

In Exercises ?? – ?? use the unit square icon in the program map to test Proposition ??, as follows. Enter the given matrix into map and map the unit square icon. Compute by estimating the area of — given that has unit area. For each matrix, use this numerical experiment to decide whether or not the matrix is invertible.
