In this section we discuss how to find eigenvalues for an matrix . This discussion parallels the discussion for matrices given in Section ??. As we noted in that section, is a real eigenvalue of if there exists a nonzero eigenvector such that

It follows that the matrix is singular since Theorem ?? implies that With these observations in mind, we can make the following definition.

In Theorem ?? we show that is indeed a polynomial of degree in . Note here that the roots of are the eigenvalues of . As we discussed, the real eigenvalues of are roots of the characteristic polynomial. Conversely, if is a real root of , then Theorem ?? states that the matrix is singular and therefore that there exists a nonzero vector such that (??) is satisfied. Similarly, by using this extended algebraic definition of eigenvalues we allow the possibility of complex eigenvalues. The complex analog of Theorem ?? shows that if is a complex eigenvalue, then there exists a nonzero complex -vector such that (??) is satisfied.

It follows from (??) that the characteristic polynomial of a triangular matrix is a polynomial of degree and that

for some real constants . In fact, this statement is true in general.

Let be an matrix whose entries have the form . Then is a polynomial in of degree at most . We verify this statement by induction. It is easily verified when , since then for some real numbers and . Then which is a polynomial of degree at most one. (It may have degree zero, if .) So assume that this statement is true for matrices. Recall from (??) that By induction each of the determinants is a polynomial of degree at most . It follows that multiplication by yields a polynomial of degree at most in . Since the sum of polynomials of degree at most is a polynomial of degree at most , we have verified our assertion.

Since is a matrix whose entries have the desired form, it follows that is a polynomial of degree at most in . To complete the proof of this theorem we need to show that the coefficient of is . Again, we verify this statement by induction. This statement is easily verified for matrices — we assume that it is true for matrices. Again use (??) to compute

where are the cofactor matrices of . Using our previous observation all of the terms are polynomials of degree at most . Thus, in this expansion, the only term that can contribute a term of degree is: Note that the cofactor matrix is the matrix where is the first cofactor matrix of the matrix . By induction, is a polynomial of degree with leading term . Multiplying this polynomial by yields a polynomial of degree with the correct leading term.

General Properties of Eigenvalues

The fundamental theorem of algebra states that every polynomial of degree has exactly roots (counting multiplicity). For example, the quadratic formula shows that every quadratic polynomial has exactly two roots. In general, the proof of the fundamental theorem is not easy and is certainly beyond the limits of this course. Indeed, the difficulty in proving the fundamental theorem of algebra is in proving that a polynomial of degree has one (complex) root. Suppose that is a root of ; that is, suppose that . Then it is easy to show that

for some polynomial of degree . So once we know that has a root, then we can argue by induction to prove that has roots.

Recall that a polynomial need not have any real roots. For example, the polynomial has no real roots, since for all real . This polynomial does have two complex roots .

However, a polynomial with real coefficients has either real roots or complex roots that come in complex conjugate pairs. To verify this statement, we need to show that if is a complex root of , then so is . We claim that To verify this point, suppose that where each . Then

If is a root of , then Hence is also a root of .

It follows that

Since the characteristic polynomial is a polynomial of degree with real coefficients, the first part of the theorem follows from the preceding discussion. In particular, it follows from (??) that for some constant . Formula (??) implies that — which proves (a). Since , it follows that . Thus (a) implies that , thus proving (b).

The eigenvalues of a matrix do not have to be different. For example, consider the extreme case of a strictly triangular matrix . Example ?? shows that all of the eigenvalues of are zero.

We now discuss certain properties of eigenvalues.

The proof follows from Theorem ?? and Theorem ??(b).

An eigenvector of has eigenvalue zero if and only if This statement is valid if and only if is in the null space of .

We claim that It then follows that is an eigenvalue for for each eigenvalue of . This makes sense, since the eigenvalues of are nonzero.


which verifies the claim.

Since and are similar, there exists an invertible matrix such that . It follows that

which verifies that .

Recall that the trace of an matrix is the sum of the diagonal entries of ; that is We state without proof the following theorem:

It follows from Theorem ?? that the traces of similar matrices are equal.

MATLAB Calculations

The commands for computing characteristic polynomials and eigenvalues of square matrices are straightforward in MATLAB . In particular, for an matrix , the MATLAB command poly(A) returns the coefficients of .

For example, reload the matrix of (??) by typing e8_1_11. The characteristic polynomial of is found by typing



to obtain
ans =
    1.0000   -5.0000   15.0000  -10.0000  -46.0000

Thus the characteristic polynomial of is: The eigenvalues of are found by typing eig(A) and obtaining
ans =
   1.6605 + 3.1958i  
   1.6605 - 3.1958i  

Thus has two real eigenvalues and one complex conjugate pair of eigenvalues. Note that MATLAB has preprogrammed not only the algorithm for finding the characteristic polynomial, but also numerical routines for finding the roots of the characteristic polynomial.

The trace of is found by typing trace(A) and obtaining

ans =

Using the MATLAB command sum we can verify the statement of Theorem ??. Indeed sum(v) computes the sum of the components of the vector and typing


we obtain the answer 5.0000, as expected.


In Exercises ?? – ?? determine the characteristic polynomial and the eigenvalues of the given matrices.

Find a basis for the eigenspace of corresponding to the eigenvalue .
Consider the matrix
  • Verify that the characteristic polynomial of is .
  • Show that is an eigenvector of corresponding to .
  • Show that is orthogonal to every eigenvector of corresponding to the eigenvalue .

Consider the matrix .
  • Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of .
  • Show that the eigenvectors found in (a) form a basis for .
  • Find the coordinates of the vector relative to the basis in part (b).

Find the characteristic polynomial and the eigenvalues of Find eigenvectors corresponding to each of the three eigenvalues.
Let be an matrix. Suppose that Prove that is invertible.

In Exercises ?? – ?? decide whether the given statements are true or false. If the statements are false, give a counterexample; if the statements are true, give a proof.

If the eigenvalues of a matrix are equal to , then the four entries of that matrix are each less than .
The trace of the product of two matrices is the product of the traces.
When is odd show that every real matrix has a real eigenvalue.

In Exercises ?? – ??, use MATLAB to compute (a) the eigenvalues, traces, and characteristic polynomials of the given matrix. (b) Use the results from part (a) to confirm Theorems ?? and ??.

Use MATLAB to compute the characteristic polynomial of the following matrix: Denote this polynomial by . Then compute the matrix What do you observe? In symbols . Compute the matrix for examples of other square matrices and determine whether or not your observation was an accident.