In Section ?? we showed that the solution of the single ordinary differential equation with initial condition is (see (??) in Chapter ??). In this section we show that we may write solutions of systems of equations in a similar form. In particular, we show that the solution to the linear system of ODEs

with initial condition where is an matrix and , is

In order to make sense of the solution (??) we need to understand matrix exponentials. More precisely, since is an matrix for each , we need to make sense of the expression where is an matrix. For this we recall the form of the exponential function as a power series: In more compact notation we have By analogy, define the matrix exponential by

In this formula is the matrix product of with itself, and the power is defined inductively by for . Hence is an matrix and is the infinite sum of matrices.

Remark: The infinite series for matrix exponentials (??) does converge for all matrices , and this fact is proved in Exercises ?? and ??.

Using (??), we can write the matrix exponential of for each real number . Since we obtain

Next we claim that We verify the claim by supposing that we can differentiate (??) term by term with respect to . Then

It follows that the function is a solution of (??) for each ; that is, Since (??) implies that , it follows that is a solution of (??) with initial condition . This discussion shows that solving (??) in closed form is equivalent to finding a closed form expression for the matrix exponential .

Existence follows from the previous discussion; uniqueness follows from the dimensional analog of Theorem ??.

Explicit Computation of Matrix Exponentials

We begin with the simplest computation of a matrix exponential.

(a) Let be a multiple of the identity; that is, let where is a real number. Then

That is, is a scalar multiple of the identity. To verify (??), compute

(b) Let be a diagonal matrix, where and are real constants. Then

To verify (??) compute

(c) Suppose that Then

We begin this computation by observing that Therefore, by collecting terms of odd and even power in the series expansion for the matrix exponential we obtain

In this computation we have used the fact that the trigonometric functions and have the power series expansions:

See Exercise ?? for an alternative proof of (??).

To compute the matrix exponential MATLAB provides the command expm. We use this command to compute the matrix exponential for Type

C = [0, -1; 1, 0];
t = pi/4;  

that gives the answer
ans =
    0.7071   -0.7071  
    0.7071    0.7071

Indeed, this is precisely what we expect by (??), since

(d) Let Then

since .


Let be the matrix Find the smallest integer such that is equal to up to a precision of two decimal places. More exactly, use the MATLAB command expm to compute and use MATLAB commands to compute the series expansion to order . Note that the command for computing in MATLAB is prod(1:n).
Use MATLAB to compute the matrix exponential for by choosing for the values and . Does ?
For the scalar exponential function it is well known that for any pair of real numbers the following equality holds: Use MATLAB to find two matrices and such that

In Exercises ?? – ?? compute the matrix exponential for the matrix.

Let be real numbers and let and be corresponding diagonal matrices. Use properties of the scalar exponential function to show that

In Exercises ?? – ?? we use Theorem ??, the uniqueness of solutions to initial value problems, in perhaps a surprising way.

Prove that for all real numbers and . Hint:
  • Fix and verify that is a solution to the initial value problem
  • Fix and verify that is also a solution to (??).
  • Use Theorem ?? to conclude that for every .

Let be an matrix. Prove that for all real numbers and . Hint:
  • Fix and and verify that is a solution to the initial value problem
  • Fix and verify that is also a solution to (??).
  • Use the dimensional version of Theorem ?? to conclude that for every and every .

Remark: Compare the result in this exercise with the calculation in Exercise ??.

Prove that Hint:
  • Verify that and are solutions to the initial value problems for .
  • Since , use Theorems ?? and ?? to verify that
  • Show that (??) proves (??)

Let be an matrix. Use Theorem ?? to show that the columns of the matrix give a basis of solutions for the system of differential equations .

Remark: The completion of Exercises ?? and ?? constitutes a proof that the infinite series definition of the matrix exponential is a convergent series for all matrices.

Let be an matrix. Define That is, to compute , first sum the absolute values of the entries in each row of , and then take the maximum of these sums. Prove that: Hint: Begin by noting that

Recall that an infinite series of real numbers converges absolutely if there is a constant such that for every the partial sum satisfies:

Let be an matrix. To prove that the matrix exponential is an absolutely convergent infinite series use Exercise ?? and the following steps. Let be the entry in the matrix where .

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