In their elementary form, matrices and vectors are just lists of real numbers in different formats. An -vector is a list of numbers . We may write this vector as a row vector as we have just done — or as a column vector The set of all (real-valued) -vectors is denoted by ; so points in are called vectors. The sets when is small are very familiar sets. The set is the real number line, and the set is the Cartesian plane. The set consists of points or vectors in three dimensional space.

An matrix is a rectangular array of numbers with rows and columns. A general matrix has the form We use the convention that matrix entries are indexed so that the first subscript refers to the row while the second subscript refers to the column. So the entry refers to the matrix entry in the row, column.

An matrix and an matrix are equal precisely when the sizes of the matrices are equal ( and ) and when each of the corresponding entries are equal ().

There is some redundancy in the use of the terms “vector” and “matrix”. For example, a row -vector may be thought of as a matrix, and a column -vector may be thought of as a matrix. There are situations where matrix notation is preferable to vector notation and vice-versa.

Addition and Scalar Multiplication of Vectors

There are two basic operations on vectors: addition and scalar multiplication. Let and be -vectors. Then that is, vector addition is defined as componentwise addition.

Similarly, scalar multiplication is defined as componentwise multiplication. A scalar is just a number. Initially, we use the term scalar to refer to a real number — but later on we sometimes use the term scalar to refer to a complex number. Suppose is a real number; then the multiplication of a vector by the scalar is defined as

Subtraction of vectors is defined simply as Formally, subtraction of vectors may also be defined as Division of a vector by a scalar is defined to be The standard difficulties concerning division by zero still hold.

Addition and Scalar Multiplication of Matrices

Similarly, we add two matrices by adding corresponding entries, and we multiply a scalar times a matrix by multiplying each entry of the matrix by that scalar. For example, and The main restriction on adding two matrices is that the matrices must be of the same size. So you cannot add a matrix to matrix — even though they both have twelve entries.


In Exercises ?? – ??, let and and compute the given expression.

Let be the matrix
For which is a row of a vector in ? .
What is the column of ?
Let be the entry of in the row and the column. What is ?

For each of the pairs of vectors or matrices in Exercises ?? – ??, decide whether addition of the members of the pair is possible; and, if addition is possible, perform the addition.

and .
Addition is possible. Addition is not possible.
and .
Addition is possible. Addition is not possible.
and .
Addition is possible. Addition is not possible.
and .
Addition is possible. Addition is not possible.
and .
Addition is possible. Addition is not possible.

In Exercises ?? – ??, let and and compute the given expression.
