To summarize the ideas developed in this chapter, we review the method that we have developed to solve the system of differential equations

satisfying the initial conditions

Begin by rewriting (??) in matrix form

where Rewrite the initial conditions (??) in vector form where

When the eigenvalues of are real and distinct we now know how to solve the initial value problem (??) and (??). This solution is found in four steps.

Step 1: Find the eigenvalues and of .

These eigenvalues are the roots of the characteristic polynomial as given by (??): These roots may be found either by factoring or by using the quadratic formula. The roots are real and distinct when the discriminant Recall (??) and Theorem ??.

Step 2: Find eigenvectors and of associated with the eigenvalues and .

For and , the eigenvector is found by solving the homogeneous system of linear equations

for one nonzero solution. Lemma ?? tells us that there is always a nonzero solution to (??) since is an eigenvalue of .

Step 3: Using superposition, write the general solution to the system of ODEs (??) as

where .

Theorem ?? tells us that for is a solution to (??). The principle of superposition (see Section ??) allows us to conclude that is also a solution to (??) for any scalars . Thus, (??) is valid.

Note that the initial condition corresponding to the general solution (??) is

since .

Step 4: Solve the initial value problem by solving the system of linear equations

for and (see (??)).

Let be the matrix whose columns are and . That is,

Then we may rewrite (??) in the form

We claim that the matrix (defined in (??)) is always invertible. Recall Lemma ?? which states that if is a nonzero multiple of , then is also an eigenvector of associated to the eigenvalue . Since the eigenvalues and are distinct, it follows that the eigenvector is not a scalar multiple of the eigenvector (see Lemma ??). Therefore, the area of the parallelogram spanned by and is nonzero and the determinant of is nonzero by Theorem ?? of Chapter ??. Corollary ?? of Chapter ?? now implies that is invertible. Thus, the unique solution to (??) is This equation is easily solved since we have an explicit formula for when is a matrix (see (??) in Section ??). Indeed,

An Initial Value Problem Solved by Hand

Solve the linear system of differential equations

with initial conditions

Rewrite the system (??) in matrix form as where Rewrite the initial conditions (??) in vector form

Now proceed through the four steps outlined previously.

Step 1: Find the eigenvalues of .

The characteristic polynomial of is Therefore, the eigenvalues of are

Step 2: Find the eigenvectors of .

Find an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue by solving the system of equations

One particular solution to this system is

Similarly, find an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue by solving the system of equations

One particular solution to this system is

Step 3: Write the general solution to the system of differential equations.

Using superposition the general solution to the system (??) is: where . Note that the initial state of this solution is:

Step 4: Solve the initial value problem.

Let The equation for the initial condition is See (??).

We can write the inverse of by formula as It follows that we solve for the coefficients as In coordinates

The solution to the initial value problem (??) and (??) is:

Expressing the solution in coordinates, we obtain:

An Initial Value Problem Solved using MATLAB

Next, solve the system of ODEs

with initial conditions

Rewrite this system in matrix form as where Rewrite the initial conditions in vector form

Now proceed through the four steps outlined previously. In MATLAB begin by typing

C  = [1.7 3.5; 1.3 -4.6]
X0 = [2.7; 1.1]

Step 1: Find the eigenvalues of by typing

lambda = eig(C)

and obtaining
lambda =

So the eigenvalues of are real and distinct.

Step 2: To find the eigenvectors of we need to solve two homogeneous systems of linear equations. The matrix associated with the first system is obtained by typing

C1 = C - lambda(1)*eye(2)

which yields
C1 =
   -0.6543    3.5000  
    1.3000   -6.9543

We can solve the homogeneous system by row reduction — but MATLAB has this process preprogrammed in the command null. So type

v1 = null(C1)

and obtain
v1 =

Similarly, to find an eigenvector associated to the eigenvalue type
C2 = C - lambda(2)*eye(2);
v2 = null(C2)

and obtain
v2 =

Step 3: The general solution to this system of differential equations is:

Step 4: Solve the initial value problem by finding the scalars and . Form the matrix by typing

A = [v1 v2]

Then solve for the ’s by typing
alpha = inv(A)*X0


alpha =

Therefore, the closed form solution to the initial value problem is:


In Exercises ?? – ?? find the solution to the system of differential equations satisfying .

and .
and .
and .
and .
Solve the initial value problem where given that
  • is a solution,
  • , and
  • is a symmetric matrix.

In Exercises ?? – ??, with MATLAB assistance, find the solution to the system of differential equations satisfying .

and .
and .

In Exercises ?? – ??, find the solution to satisfying in two different ways, as follows.

  • Use pplane5 to find . Hint: Use the Specify a computation interval option in the PPLANE5 Keyboard input window to compute the solution to . Then use the zoom in square feature to determine an answer to three decimal places.
  • Next use MATLAB to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of and to find a closed form solution . Use this formula to evaluate to three decimal places.
  • Do the two answers agree?