We now discuss how to find eigenvalues of matrices in a way that does not depend explicitly on finding eigenvectors. This direct method will show that eigenvalues can be complex as well as real.

We begin the discussion with a general square matrix. Let be an matrix. Recall that is an eigenvalue of if there is a nonzero vector for which

The vector is called an eigenvector. We may rewrite (??) as: Since is nonzero, it follows that if is an eigenvalue of , then the matrix is singular.

Conversely, suppose that is singular for some real number . Then Theorem ?? of Chapter ?? implies that there is a nonzero vector such that . Hence (??) holds and is an eigenvalue of . So, if we had a direct method for determining when a matrix is singular, then we would have a method for determining eigenvalues.

Characteristic Polynomials

Corollary ?? of Chapter ?? states that matrices are singular precisely when their determinant is zero. It follows that is an eigenvalue for the matrix precisely when

We can compute (??) explicitly as follows. Note that Therefore

For an matrix , define the trace of to be the sum of the diagonal elements of ; that is

Thus, using (??), we can rewrite the characteristic polynomial for matrices as

As an example, consider the matrix

Then and It is now easy to verify (??) for (??).

For matrices , is a quadratic polynomial. As we have discussed, the real roots of are real eigenvalues of . For matrices we now generalize our first definition of eigenvalues, Definition ??, to include complex eigenvalues, as follows.

Suppose that and are the roots of . It follows that Equating the two forms of (??) and (??) shows that
Thus, for matrices, the trace is the sum of the eigenvalues and the determinant is the product of the eigenvalues. In Chapter ??, Theorems ??(b) and ?? we show that these statements are also valid for matrices.

Recall that in example (??) the characteristic polynomial is Thus the eigenvalues of are and and identities (??) and (??) are easily verified for this example.

Next, we consider an example with complex eigenvalues and verify that these identities are equally valid in this instance. Let The characteristic polynomial is: Using the quadratic formula we see that the roots of (that is, the eigenvalues of ) are Again the sum of the eigenvalues is which equals the trace of and the product of the eigenvalues is which equals the determinant of .

Since the characteristic polynomial of matrices is always a quadratic polynomial, it follows that matrices have precisely two eigenvalues — including multiplicity — and these can be described as follows. The discriminant of is:

We can find the roots of the characteristic polynomial using the form of given in (??) and the quadratic formula. The roots are: The proof of the theorem now follows. If , then the eigenvalues of are real and distinct; if , then eigenvalues are complex conjugates; and if , then the eigenvalues are real and equal.


The following lemma contains an important observation about eigenvectors:

When the eigenvalue is real we know that an eigenvector exists. However, when is complex, then we must show that there is a complex eigenvector , and this we have not yet done. More precisely, we must show that if is a complex root of the characteristic polynomial , then there is a complex vector such that

As we discussed in Section ??, finding is equivalent to showing that the complex matrix is not row equivalent to the identity matrix. See Theorem ?? of Chapter ??. Since is real and is not, . A short calculation shows that is row equivalent to the matrix This matrix is not row equivalent to the identity matrix since .

An Example of a Matrix with Real Eigenvectors

Once we know the eigenvalues of a matrix, the associated eigenvectors can be found by direct calculation. For example, we showed previously that the matrix in (??) has eigenvalues and . With this information we can find the associated eigenvectors. To find an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue compute It follows that is an eigenvector since Similarly, to find an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue compute It follows that is an eigenvector since

Examples of Matrices with Complex Eigenvectors

Let Then and the eigenvalues of are . To find the eigenvector whose existence is guaranteed by Lemma ??, we need to solve the complex system of linear equations . We can rewrite this system as: A calculation shows that

is a solution. Since the coefficients of are real, we can take the complex conjugate of the equation to obtain Thus is the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue . This comment is valid for any complex eigenvalue.

More generally, let

where . Then
and the eigenvalues of are the complex conjugates . Thus has no real eigenvectors. The complex eigenvectors of are and where is defined in (??).


For which values of is the matrix not invertible? Note: These values of are just the eigenvalues of the matrix .

In Exercises ?? – ?? compute the determinant, trace, and characteristic polynomials for the given matrix.


In Exercises ?? – ?? compute the eigenvalues for the given matrix.

  • Let and be matrices. Using direct calculation, show that
  • Now let and be matrices. Verify by direct calculation that (??) is still valid.

In Exercises ?? – ?? use the program map to guess whether the given matrix has real or complex conjugate eigenvalues. For each example, write the reasons for your guess.


In Exercises ?? – ?? use the program map to guess one of the eigenvectors of the given matrix. What is the corresponding eigenvalue? Using map, can you find a second eigenvalue and eigenvector?


Hint: Use the feature Rescale in the MAP Options. Then the length of the vector is rescaled to one after each use of the command Map. In this way you can avoid overflows in the computations while still being able to see the directions where the vectors are moved by the matrix mapping.

The MATLAB command eig computes the eigenvalues of matrices. Use eig to compute the eigenvalues of .