The examples of linear mappings from that we introduced in Section ?? were matrix mappings. More precisely, let be an matrix. Then defines the linear mapping . Recall that is the column of (see Chapter ??, Lemma ??); it follows that can be reconstructed from the vectors . This remark implies (Chapter ??, Lemma ??) that linear mappings of to are determined by their values on the standard basis . Next we show that this result is valid in greater generality. We begin by defining what we mean for a mapping between vector spaces to be linear.

Examples of Linear Mappings

(a) Let be a fixed vector. Use the dot product to define the mapping by Then is linear. Just check that for every vector and in and for every scalar .

(b) The map defined by is linear. Indeed, Similarly, .

(c) The map defined by is linear. Indeed, Similarly, . It may be helpful to compute when . That is,

Constructing Linear Mappings from Bases

Let be a vector. Since , we may write as where in . Moreover, are linearly independent, these scalars are uniquely defined. More precisely, if then Linear independence implies that ; that is . We can now define

We claim that is linear. Let be another vector and let It follows that and hence by (??) that


Thus is linear.

Let be another linear mapping such that . Then

Thus and the linear mapping is uniquely defined.

There are two assertions made in Theorem ??. The first is that a linear map exists mapping to . The second is that there is only one linear mapping that accomplishes this task. If we drop the constraint that the map be linear, then many mappings may satisfy these conditions. For example, find a linear map from that maps to . There is only one: . However there are many nonlinear maps that send to . Examples are and .

Finding the Matrix of a Linear Map from Given by Theorem ??

Suppose that and . We know that every linear map can be defined as multiplication by an matrix. The question that we next address is: How can we find the matrix whose existence is guaranteed by Theorem ???

More precisely, let be a basis for and let be vectors in . We suppose that all of these vectors are row vectors. Then we need to find an matrix such that for all . We find as follows. Let be a row vector. Since the form a basis, there exist scalars such that In coordinates

where is an invertible matrix. By definition (see (??)) Thus the matrix must satisfy where is an matrix. Using (??) we see that and is the desired matrix.
An Example of a Linear Map from to

As an example we illustrate Theorem ?? and (??) by defining a linear mapping from to by its action on a basis. Let We claim that is a basis of and that there is a unique linear map for which where

We can verify that is a basis of by showing that the matrix is invertible. This can either be done in MATLAB using the inv command or by hand by row reducing the matrix

to obtain Now apply (??) to obtain As a check, verify by matrix multiplication that , as claimed.

Properties of Linear Mappings

The proof of Lemma ?? is identical to that of Chapter ??, Lemma ??.

A linear map is invertible if there exists a linear map such that is the identity map on and is the identity map on .

If is a basis for , then use Theorem ?? to define a linear map by . Note that It follows by linearity (using the uniqueness part of Theorem ??) that is the identity of . Similarly, is the identity map on , and is invertible.

Conversely, suppose that and are identity maps and that . We must show that is a basis. We use Theorem ?? and verify separately that are linearly independent and span .

If there exist scalars such that then apply to both sides of this equation to obtain But the are linearly independent. Therefore, and the are linearly independent.

To show that the span , let be a vector in . Since the are a basis for , there exist scalars such that Applying to both sides of this equation yields Therefore, the span .

Suppose that is an invertible linear map. Let be a basis for where . Then Theorem ?? implies that is a basis for and .

Conversely, suppose that . Let be a basis for and let be a basis for . Using Theorem ?? define the linear map by . Theorem ?? states that is invertible.


Use the method described above to construct a linear mapping from to with , , where and
Let be the vector space of polynomials of degree less than or equal to . Show that is a basis for .
Show that is a linear mapping.
Show that is a linear mapping of .
Use Exercises ??, ?? and Theorem ?? to show that is the identity map.
Let denote the set of complex numbers. Verify that is a two-dimensional vector space. Show that defined by where is a linear mapping.
Let denote the vector space of matrices and let be an matrix. Let be the mapping defined by where . Verify that is a linear mapping. Show that the null space of , , is a subspace consisting of all matrices that commute with .
Let be defined by for . Verify that is a linear mapping.
Let be the vector space of polynomials in one variable . Define by . Verify that is a linear mapping.