Behavior Near Points Not in the Domain

We are now getting closer to understanding the properties of rational functions. We have discussed how to find the domain, end behavior, and -intercepts. Finding the -intercept just involves plugging into the function. But there is one major feature of rational functions we still need to discuss before we can understand them fully. What happens to the graph of a rational function near the points which are not in the domain?

Recall that:

Rational functions can have two different kinds of behavior near a point where the denominator is zero.

We know from investigating that one possibility is a vertical asymptote. Recall that:

When you put points into a rational function that are close to the point where it is undefined, it will make the bottom of the fraction very small. Usually, that will make the resulting fraction very big, resulting in a vertical asymptote on the graph. The exception is when the top of the fraction is also getting very small. Then, it is not quite clear what is happening to the value of the fraction overall. Let’s investigate.

Finding Vertical Asymptotes, Holes, and Zeros

You may notice that the function in the previous example played an important role in our ability to determine whether our original function had a hole or an asymptote at each point which was not in the domain. The function was special because it had no factors in common between the numerator and denominator of the rational function. We give rational functions like this a special name.

This allows us to state the following theorem.

For rational functions which are not in lowest terms, we will want to factor the numerator and denominator completely to determine what cancels. We can the write the rational function in lowest terms, being careful to keep track of any points which are not in the domain.

Let’s try applying this theorem to an example.

Graphing a Rational Function

Now let’s return the previous example and see if we can draw the graph of . We have already determined:

  • As and (or a borizontal asymptote at )
  • As and (or a borizontal asymptote at )
  • The graph will have a hole at
  • The graph will have a vertical asymptote at .

Now let’s find a few additional points to help us graph the function.

To find the -intercept of , . To find any -intercepts, we set , meaning we are looking at A fraction equals zero when the numerator equals zero, so we need

But, is not in the domain of our function so it is not actually an -intercept! There are no -intercepts!

It is usually a good idea to find a point between each place where the function is zero or undefined. This will help us see where the function is. There is a result in calculus that the graph of a rational function can only change from being postive (above the -axis) to negative (below the -axis) or vice versa when the function is zero or undefined. We will explore this more later, but this idea motivated the points we are going to choose to plot.

Putting all of this together, we are able to draw the following graph:

It is important to note that many graphing calculators such as Desmos will not show the hole in the graph, but it is important to know that it is there.