We explore different methods for solving quadratic functions.

We have previously looked at different forms of quadratic functions. We’ve looked at standard form and vertex form, where characteristics like -intercept and vertex can be found easily by looking at the function. Another useful way to look at quadratic functions is to have them written out as a product of linear factors. This can help us to quickly determine the -intercepts of a quadratic function and to get a good idea of the position and shape of the graph. Not all quadratics can be written in factored form, so we will begin by addressing those. As seen in the graphs below, the graphs of the functions do not cross the -axis, so they do not have -intercepts. The first graph, is entirely above the -axis and the second graph, is entirely below the -axis. Since neither of them cross the -axis, they have no -intercepts and are irreducible.

Factored Form (or Root Form)

This form is called Root Form because the roots of the quadratic can be easily read off from this form. It is also sometimes called Factored Form because the quadratic is factored into a product of linear terms. We often call quadratics written as a factored quadratic. This is not quite the same as Factored Form (Root Form) though because the leading constant is not pulled out to the front. To minimize this confusion, we will typically but not exclusively use the name Root Form.

Factoring from Standard Form when

When , putting a quadratic in Root Form is the same as factoring a quadratic. In general, factoring refers to writing as a product of linear terms, but does not necessarily imply that the term is pulled out front like it is in Root Form.

Factoring from Standard Form when

Quadratic Formula

When there appears to be no easy way to factor a quadratic, our best option is to use the Quadratic Formula. Let’s try the previous example with the Quadratic Formula.

Factoring when missing a term

We’ve talked about factoring when all terms are present, but what do we do when one of the terms is missing? Since there are three terms we have three different cases to address.

The first case also happens to be the easiest to solve. How do you a solve a quadratic that is missing the term? This is a bit of a trick question, because without an term, we are no longer dealing with a quadratic.

The second case is when the middle term is missing. The last case is when there is no constant or term.