We use exponents when exploring real world situations.

Early Exponentials

Here we see how we can simplify the calculation detailed in the table by recognizing that the salary is changing by each year. Thus, each year the new salary is of the previous year’s salary. In other words, the yearly percentage increase is 4.8%, which can be applied to give the new salary by multiplying by 1.048 as demonstrated above.

What if we want to know what the athlete’s salary will look like more than one year out? We can use the same process as above without computing each intermediate step to see that the salary after five years will be We can re-write this using the associative property of multiplication as: Recall from the previous section on exponents, this is the same as

Here we have demonstrated precisely how we can use an exponential expression to more efficiently calculate (and represent such a calculation) the change in salary represented by the above table.

What we have developed above is an exponential function or model to describe this athlete’s salary. Let’s look at each value in our model and identify what each piece represents.

is the athlete’s salary for year of the contract. The athlete has a starting salary of $8.3 million, from which the yearly increase is calculated (as a percentage of the original amount).

What we have outlined above is an understanding of what each piece of an exponential model in the form means in terms of a given context. We can now use this understanding to create an exponential model for exponential scenarios without having to go through the “step by step” process as we did in the original table for the athlete salary problem.

Finally, we give an example where we are looking for a value that decreases over time.

4. Suppose there is a new virus that reportedly doubles infection cases in about 20 days. What would be this virus’ infection rate (as a percent)? Hint: Set up an exponential function, assuming that there were initially 80 recorded infections. After you have figured out the infection rate, think about/explain why an initial number of infections was not needed in order to answer this question.