We explore polynomial functions.

Constant functions, linear functions, and quadratic functions all belong to a much larger group of functions called polynomials.

Consider . Is this a polynomial function? We can re-write the formula for as Comparing this with our definition of Polyomial Functions, we identify , , , , , and . In other words, is the coefficient of , is the coefficient of , and so forth; the subscript on the ’s merely indicates to which power of the coefficient belongs.

The reader may well wonder why we have chosen to separate off constant functions from the other polynomials. Why not just lump them all together and, instead of forcing to be a natural number, , allow to be a whole number, . We could unify all of the cases, since, after all, isn’t ? The answer is ‘yes, as long as .’ The function and are different, because their domains are different. The number is defined, whereas is not. (Technically, is an indeterminant form, which is a special case of being undefined. You will explore this more in calculus.) Indeed, much of the theory we will develop in this chapter doesn’t include the constant functions, so we might as well treat them as outsiders from the start. One good thing that comes from our definition of polynomials is that we can now think of linear functions as degree (or ‘first degree’) polynomial functions and quadratic functions as degree (or ‘second degree’) polynomial functions.

End Behavior of Polynomials

The end behavior of a function is a way to describe what is happening to the function values (the -values) as the -values go off the graph on the left and right sides. That is, what happens to as becomes large (in the sense of its absolute value) and negative without bound (written ) and, on the flip side, as becomes large and positive without bound (written ).

For example, given , as , we imagine substituting , , etc., into to get , , and so on. Thus the function values are becoming larger and larger positive numbers (without bound). To describe this behavior, we write: as , . If we study the behavior of as , we see that in this case, too, .

The same can be said for any function of the form where is an even natural number. For example, the functions , , and are graphed below.

We now turn our attention to functions of the form where is an odd natural number. (We ignore the case when , since the graph of is a line and doesn’t fit the general pattern of higher-degree odd polynomials.) Below we have graphed , , and . The ‘flattening’ and ‘steepening’ that we saw with the even powers presents itself here as well, and, it should come as no surprise that all of these functions are odd. The end behavior of these functions is all the same, with as and as .

As with the even degreed functions we studied earlier, we can generalize their end behavior.

Now lets consider the end behavior of polynomials in general. It turns out that the end behavior of a polynomial always matches the end behavior of its leading term.

To see why this theorem is true, let’s first look at a specific example. Consider . If we wish to examine end behavior, we look to see the behavior of as . Since we’re concerned with ’s far down the -axis, we are far away from so can rewrite for these values of as

As becomes unbounded (in either direction), the terms and become closer and closer to , as the table below indicates.

In other words, as , , which is the leading term of . The formal proof of this theorem requires calculus, but it works in much the same way. Factoring out the leading term leaves

As , any term with an in the denominator becomes closer and closer to , and we have .

Geometrically, this theorem says that if we graph using a graphing calculator, and continue to ‘zoom out’, the graph of it and its leading term become indistinguishable. Below are the graphs of (the thicker line) and (the thinner line) in two different windows.

Other Properties of Polynomial Graphs

Despite having different end behavior, all functions of the form for natural numbers share two special function properties: they are continuous and smooth. While these concepts are formally defined using Calculus, informally, graphs of continuous functions have no ‘breaks’ or ‘holes’ in them, and the graphs of smooth functions have no ‘sharp turns’. It turns out that these traits are preserved when functions are added together, so general polynomial functions inherit these qualities. Below we find the graph of a function which is neither smooth nor continuous, and to its right we have a graph of a polynomial, for comparison. The function whose graph appears on the left fails to be continuous where it has a ‘break’ or ‘hole’ in the graph; everywhere else, the function is continuous. The function is continuous at the ‘corner’ and the ‘cusp’, but we consider these ‘sharp turns’, so these are places where the function fails to be smooth. Apart from these four places, the function is smooth and continuous. Polynomial functions are smooth and continuous everywhere, as exhibited in the graph on the right.

The notion of smoothness is what tells us graphically that, for example, , whose graph is the characteristic ‘’ shape, cannot be a polynomial.

Roots of Polynomials

We will often what to find the -intercepts or roots of polynomials. To do this, we will use the fact that a product of factors can only equal 0 if one of the factors equals zero. Consider the following example.

You may notice that this polynomial was given as a product of linear factors and irreducible quadratic factors. This was not a coincidence. We have the following theorem.

This way of writing polynomials is extremely helpful when you want to find the roots. Its is so helpful we give it a name.

It turns out that that is a root of the polynomial exactly when is a factor that appears when is written in Factored Form, just like in our example above.

You may noticed another phenomena in our earlier example. Some factors were raised to a power higher than 1. For example, in , the factor is raised to a the second power. This does not mean we get any additional roots. Notice that and so both of these factors give a root of . Instead, the second power has an impact on the way the graph of the polynomial, , looks when it is near the root . On either side of , the graph of will bounce off the -axis and turn around just like the graph of does as the point . In general, it will turn out that if we have in the factored form of our polynomial, then the graph of the polynomial near will look similar to how the graph of looks near .

We give this concept a name and solidify it with a theorem.

Hence, rewriting as , we see that is a zero of multiplicity , is a zero of multiplicity and is a zero of multiplicity .

Graphing Polynomials

Our last example shows how end behavior and multiplicity allow us to sketch a decent graph without appealing to a sign diagram.

Note that while we can say a lot about how graphs of polynomials will look, we cannot say exactly where the turning points (peaks and valleys) will be. That will require calculus.


The following section will contain some techniques that are useful for factoring polynomials.

A common technique is factoring out a common factor. For example, in the polynomial , each term contains a factor of . Therefore, we can factor it out to find .

To factor a polynomial like we first multiply together the leading coefficient and the constant term to find 10. Our goal is then to find factors of 10 that sum to the linear coefficient, which in this case is -11. and fit the bill, since and . We can now replace the linear term with . This yields We can then group the terms by two: Factoring out a common factor from each yields Now, we factor out a common factor of from each term, yielding This completes the factorization.

We can also apply this idea of factoring by grouping to higher-degree polynomials. Given the polynomial we can group the terms by two: Factoring out a common factor from each yields Now, we factor out a common factor of from each term, yielding Note that this further factors as .

To factor a difference of squares , we can use the formula which can be checked by multiplying out the right-hand side.

To factor a difference of cubes, , we can use the formula which can similarly be checked by multiplying out the right-hand side.

To factor a sum of cubes, , we can use the formula