
Let’s recall some terminology from division of numbers. If we divide by , we have that the quotient is and the remainder is . In other words, , which can be also written as In general, when and are positive integers, performing the division of by gives us some quotient and some remainder , where the remainder is less than . We can express this as . This sort of idea also works if, instead of numbers, we consider polynomials. If and are polynomials, we’ll understand how to find polynomials and such that with the degree of less than the degree of , and the degree of equal to the difference between the degrees of and . Note that if is a point where , then we can also write this relationship as This is extremely useful when trying to study rational functions and their asymptotes, since these functions are by definition quotients of polynomials.

Long division of polynomials

The best way to understand this is through guided examples.

More on Remainders

This can be extended to values which are not zeros of as well. Namely, if is any real number, then is equal to the remainder of .