Respresentations of Functions

While the formal definition of a function is a set of ordered pairs, there are many ways that we represent functions when studying them. Each representation has advantages and disadvantages and being able to change between different representations of the same function is an important skill. Let’s look at some different types of representations.


Functions on a finite set of points are often represented by tables. One advantage of a table is that you can easily see all the information for a function. One disadvantage is if you have too many input values, it can be difficult to analyze them all in a table format. The exploration below shows and example of a function given by a table.

The function is defined by the table below. Note: this means the table gives all the values of the function.
Answer the questions about the function below.

Is a function?
What is ?
What are the inputs of ?
What are the outputs of ?
Rewrite as a set of ordered pairs.
Assume that gives the price of a single item of a given fruit at a grocery store. Interpret in this context.

If the set of ordered pairs that makes up your function is an infinite set, you cannot represent your entire function as a table because it would go on forever! Instead, you might see a table with a sampling of points from a function. In that case, unless you have additional information about your function, you cannot know what the outputs are for inputs not listed in the table. In fact, without additional information, you cannot even say which values are allowed to be inputs for the function!

Arrow Diagrams

Arrow diagrams are another tool used to represent functions. Here is an arrow diagram that corresponds to the function in the exploration above.

Arrow diagrams can help make it easier to see when multiple inputs go to the same output. Arrow diagrams can also be used to represent relations, and can make it easier to see if the relation is a function. The three arrow diagrams below show relations. The first two relations are functions, but the last relation is not a function because the same input goes to two different outputs.


Graphing points on a coordinate plane is a great way to represent a function and one which is used often. Graphs are most often used for functions where both the inputs and outputs are numbers. When graphing functions, typically the horizontal axis represents the input values and the vertical axis represents the output values.

Formula Representation

Another common way to represent functions is using a formula. In the example of Dolbear’s Law, the function which models this law is given as a formula by When we give functions as a formula, we also need to say which input values are allowed, that is, what the domain of the function is. In this case, the domain is . If the domain is not given, the domain is assumed to be all the values for which the formula used to defined the function makes sense, that is, the implied domain.

Here are some examples of functions represented by a formula.

  • Recall that this is the famous function named sine.

Here is an example of working with the formula representation of a function.


Zero is a very important number, and as we will see later, knowing where a function’s - or -value equals zero can be powerful information.