We develop our quantitative reasoning skills through units, estimations, and asking ‘does that make sense’?


Is 12 the same as 1? As a mathematical value, no 12 and 1 are not the same value. But if we give these values units, they actually can represent the same thing!
What units can we give to 12 and to 1 so that they are equal?

inchesfeet = inchfoot

Within our mathematics and science classes, we often think about units in reference to unit conversion. That is, changing from one unit (such as inches) to another unit (such as feet).

Let’s consider another example.

Now, its time for you try.

Draw a picture to help you solve the following problem: Peyton is helping Alex move into their new apartment. The moving truck is yards tall, yards wide, and yards long. All of the boxes are cubic foot in volume. That is, foot tall, foot wide, food long. Assuming the boxes fit perfectly into the truck with no gaps, how many boxes fit into the truck?

We use units everyday, even if we don’t necessarily think of them as units. For example, you wouldn’t say “I went to the grocery store and bought .” what? You’ve given how many you bought (the value), but not how many of what you bought (the units). Instead you would say “I went to the grocery store and bought mangos.” Units help us communicate mathematics, such as numbers, to others.

What if your friend Arjun told you he had calculated that a board for a dog house needed to be cut ? You might scratch your head because feet seems a bit long for the dog house you’re building. Since it doesn’t seem to make sense, you ask Arjun to clarify. He says ‘ inches for the door of the house.’ The units not only conveyed information but also helped to answer the question ‘does that make sense?’

Let’s look at another mathematical tool to help us answer the question ‘does that makes sense?’

Rough Estimates

Rough estimation allows us to approximate the answer to a question without going through messy calculations. For example, Raquel spends $ on matcha tea per week. How much does Raquel spend on matcha tea per year? Rather than do an exact calculation, we can use an estimate. There are many ways to estimate. No one way is correct although some are more accurate than others. For example, we can estimate: OR OR

Why did we multiply? In our first estimate Raquel spends each time she gets matchta tea and she buys matcha tea times a year. So we have groups of .

What are the units? The $ may be intuitive but there’s another aspect of units here. In our first estimate, Raquel spends on matcha tea each year. ‘Each year’ helps us answer the question, ‘does that make sense?’ of matcha tea each week seems a bit much. of groceries each year seems like too little. Writing answers down in a sentence helps us reason about our units to then be consider if our answer makes sense. Raquel spends on matcha tea each year.

When we estimate, it’s often important for us to know whether we have overestimated or underestimated. Of the above estimates, $ is an underestimate because we used multiplication and both of the approximate values ( and are less than or equal to the actual values. On the other hand, is an overestimate because and are greater than or equal to the actual values and multiplying two bigger things results in something bigger.

Often the context in which we are estimating will tell us if we prefer to over or under estimate. If Raquel was trying to determine how much to budget for matcha tea for the year, we would want to overestimate the cost to make sure she has enough money. However, what if the question was: Matt earns an hour cleaning houses and he work hours each week. How much money does Matt make per year? Here we want to underestimate the the amount Matt makes so he doesn’t run out of money.

Lets practice by doing an underestimate of how much money Matt makes per year.

Let’s try one more example of this type.

Mathematics doesn’t always have one correct answer

As we’ve seen with rough estimations, when problem solving, there can be multiple ways to arrive at an answer. Sometimes, we might choose our round numbers based on ease of comptation, but with other problems, we might choose based on personal preferences. The Pizza Party exploration is an example of this. There’s no one right answer. However, we need to be able to explain our reasoning for our choices and calculations.

Pizza Party: Work with your group to determine what you would buy for a pizza party in the following scenario. You and your roommate are going to have some people over later and so you go to the grocery store to grab some snacks. Everyone has agreed to pitch in $10 to pay for pizza and snacks for the night, and you think about 12 people are coming over. Your friends will want an account of how the money was spent so write up an explanation of your reasoning for your choices and calculations. Here are the prices of various snacks from the grocery store:
  • Bag of tortilla chips - $3.99
  • Salsa - $3.79
  • Bag of potato chips - $2.99
  • Dozen vegan cookies from bakery - $4.99
  • Veggie Tray - $14.99
  • 12 pack of soda - $5.79

You want to get at least one of each of these items, but you’re also going to order some pizza and breadsticks. Here are the prices from your pizza place:

  • Cheese flatbread:
    • Medium - $9.99
    • Large - $11.99
  • Cheese cauliflower crust:
    • Medium - $11.49
    • Large - $13.49
  • Breadsticks:
    • 5 for $4.99
  • $2.49 delivery charge. Don’t forget tip!

You are a good person and do not plan to pocket any of the money that your friends are going to give you to pay for these pizzas and snacks. Plus, you and your roommate are going to pay for your fairshare (also each pitch in $10). Decide what you’re going to get and don’t forget to write up an explanation of your reasoning for your choices and calculations.