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Mathematical Expression Editor
We explore more difficult problems involving substitution.
We begin by restating the substitution formula.
Integral Substitution Formula If \(g\) is differentiable on the interval \([a,b]\) and \(f\) is
differentiable on the interval \([g(a),g(b)]\), and if they have continuous derivatives, then
Here it is not apparent that the chain rule is involved. However, if it was
involved, perhaps a good guess for \(g\) would be
\[ u = \answer [given]{1-x^2} \]
and then \begin{align*} du &= \answer [given]{-2x} dx, \\ dx &= \answer [given]{\frac {-1}{2x}} du. \end{align*}
Now we consider the integral we are trying to compute
\[ \int x^3\sqrt {1-x^2} dx \]
and we substitute using our
work above. Write with me \begin{align*} \int x^3\sqrt {1-x^2} dx &= \int x^3 \answer [given]{\sqrt {u}} \left ( \answer [given]{\frac {-1}{2x}} \right ) du \\ &= \int \frac {-x^2 \answer [given]{\sqrt {u}}}{2} du. \end{align*}
However, we cannot continue until each \(x\) is replaced. We know that \begin{align*} u &= 1-x^2 \\ \Rightarrow \qquad u -1 &= -x^2\\ \Rightarrow \qquad \answer [given]{1- u} &= x^2 \end{align*}
At this point, we are close to being done. Write
\begin{align*} \int -\frac {(1-u)\sqrt {u}}{2} du &= \int \left (\frac {u\sqrt {u}}{2} - \frac {\sqrt {u}}{2}\right ) du \\ &= \int \frac {\answer [given]{u^{3/2}}}{2} du - \int \frac {\sqrt {u}}{2} du \\ &= \answer [given]{\frac {u^{5/2}}{5}} - \answer [given]{\frac {u^{3/2}}{3}}. \end{align*}
Now recall that \(u = 1-x^2\). Hence our final answer is
Sometimes it is not obvious how a fraction could have been obtained using the chain
rule. A common trick though is to substitute for the denominator of a fraction. Like
all tricks, this technique does not always work. Regardless the next two examples
present how this technique can be used.
and we immediately see that \begin{align*} du &= \answer [given]{(\sec (y) \tan (y) + \sec ^2(y))} dy,\\ dy &= \frac {1}{\answer [given]{\sec (y) \tan (y) + \sec ^2(y)}} du. \end{align*}
But this cancels perfectly with the numerator! So we have that \begin{align*} \int \frac {\sec (y) \tan (y) + \sec ^2(y)}{\sec (y) + \tan (y)} dy &= \int \frac {1}{u} du \\ &= \ln |u| + C \\ &= \ln | \sec (y) + \tan (y) | + C. \end{align*}
We want to substitute for \(1-u^2\). But the variable “\(u\)” has already been
used…OH NO! Never fear! We can substitute with whatever variable that
we want. In particular, let us use “\(w\)” for this problem. So we let
\[ w = 1 - u^2 \]
and then
\begin{align*} dw &= \answer [given]{-2u} du,\\ du &= \answer [given]{\frac {-1}{2u}} dw. \end{align*}
But this is the same problem as Example key example! And so we know that \begin{align*} \int \tan (x) dx &= - \frac {1}{2} \ln |1-s^2| + C \\ &= - \frac {1}{2} \ln |1-\sin ^2 (x)| + C \\ &= - \frac {1}{2} \ln |\cos ^2(x)| + C \\ &= \ln |\cos ^2(x)|^{- \frac {1}{2}} + C \\ &= \ln |\sec (x)| + C. \end{align*}
We have just proved
\[ \int \tan (x) dx = \ln |\sec (x)| + C. \]
Note that in Example example tan, we could have instead made the substitution
\[ u = 1-\sin ^2(x). \]
This would
have gotten us to the answer quicker and without using Example key example. You are
encouraged to work this out on your own right now!
We end this section with two more difficult examples.
\[ \int \frac {e^{2x}}{1 - e^{2x}} dx \]
Maybe the biggest key to solving this problem is to recall that
Now, if we make the substitution \(u = e^x\), we have that
\begin{align*} du &= \answer [given]{e^x} dx,\\ dx &= \frac {1}{\answer [given]{e^x}} du, \end{align*}
and \begin{align*} \int \frac {e^{2x}}{1 - e^{2x}} dx &= \int \frac {(e^x)^2}{1 - u^2} \cdot \frac {1}{\answer [given]{e^x}} du \\ &= \int \frac {e^x}{1-u^2} du \\ &= \int \frac {u}{1-u^2} du. \end{align*}
But now we are back to Example key example, and so we know that \begin{align*} \int \frac {e^{2x}}{1 - e^{2x}} dx &= - \frac {1}{2} \ln |1-u^2| + C \\ &= - \frac {1}{2} \ln |1 - e^{2x}| + C. \end{align*}
Again, in the previous example we could have instead made the substitution
\[ u = 1 - e^{2x} \]
avoided using Example key example. In general, any time that you make two successive
substitutions in a problem, you could have instead just made one substitution. This
one substitution is the composition of the two original substitutions. But
sometimes it may not be obvious to make one clever substitution, and so two
substitutions makes more sense. The next example helps to demonstrate
\[ \int _0^{16} \sqrt {4 - \sqrt {x}} dx \]
While it is not obvious at all, let us try the substitution
\[ u = \sqrt {x}. \]
\begin{align*} du &= \answer [given]{\frac {1}{2 \sqrt {x}}} dx,\\ dx &= 2 \sqrt {x} du = 2u du, \end{align*}
and so \begin{align*} \int _0^{16} \sqrt {4 - \sqrt {x}} dx &= \int _{g(0)}^{g(16)} \answer [given]{\sqrt {4-u} \cdot 2u} du \\ &= \int _{\answer [given]{0}}^{\answer [given]{4}} \answer [given]{2u \sqrt {4-u}} du. \end{align*}
From here we now make the second (and more obvious) substitution
\[ w = 4-u. \]
Then \(u = 4-w\), and
\begin{align*} dw &= - du,\\ du &= - dw. \end{align*}