Polynomials are some of our favorite functions.

The functions you are most familiar with are probably polynomial functions.

1 What are polynomial functions?

Which of the following are polynomial functions?
\(f(x) = 0\) \(f(x) = -9\) \(f(x) = 3x+1\) \(f(x) = x^{1/2}-x +8\) \(f(x) = -4x^{-3}+5x^{-1}+7-18x^2\) \(f(x) = (x+1)(x-1)+e^x - e^x \) \(f(x) = \frac {x^2 - 3x + 2}{x-2}\) \(f(x) = x^7-32x^6-\pi x^3+45/84\)

The phrase above “in the variable \(x\)” can actually change.

\[ y^2-4y +1 \]

is a polynomial in \(y\), and

\[ \sin ^2(x) + \sin (x) -3 \]

is a polynomial in \(\sin (x)\).

2 What can the graphs look like?

Fun fact:

Remember, a root is where a polynomial is zero. The theorem above is a deep fact of mathematics. The great mathematician Gauss proved the theorem in 1799 for his doctoral thesis.

The upshot as far as we are concerned is that when we plot a polynomial of degree \(n\), its graph will cross the \(x\)-axis at most \(n\) times.

2025-01-06 19:59:23