\[ F(2) = \answer {0} \]
Two young mathematicians discuss what calculus is all about.
Check out this dialogue between two calculus students (based on a true story):
- Devyn
- Ah. So now we have a connection between derivatives and integrals.
- Riley
- Right, the derivative of the accumulation function is the “inside” function.
- Devyn
- So how do we use this to compute area?
Sometimes it helps to think about the most basic examples. Consider
\[ \int _2^5 4 dt \]
We know (by geometry) that this computes the area of a \(3\times 4\) rectangle which equals \(12\). On the other hand, if we consider the accumulation function
\[ F(x) = \int _2^x 4 dt, \]
we see that
\[ F(5) = \int _2^5 4 dt. \]
On the other hand, the First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus says that if
2025-01-06 19:50:42 \[ F(x) = \int _2^x 4 dt, \]
then \(F'(x) = 4\). Armed with this knowledge, and the fact that \(F(2) = 0\), what must \(F(x)\) be? \[ F(x) = \answer {4x-8} \]