We derive the derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions using implicit differentiation.

Now we will derive the derivative of arcsine, arctangent, and arcsecant.

\[ \frac {d}{dx} \sin ^{-1}(x) \begin{prompt} = \answer [given]{1/\sqrt {1-x^2}} \end{prompt} \]

We can do something similar with arctangent.

\[ \frac {d}{dx} \tan ^{-1}(\sqrt {x}) \begin{prompt} = \answer [given]{1/(2\sqrt {x}(1+x))} \end{prompt} \]

Finally, we investigate the derivative of arcsecant.

\[ \frac {d}{dx} \sec ^{-1}(3x) \begin{prompt} = \answer [given]{\frac {1}{|x|\sqrt {(3x)^2-1}}} \end{prompt} \]

We leave it to you, the reader, to investigate the derivatives of cosine, arccosecant, and arccotangent. However, as a gesture of friendship, we now present you with a list of derivative formulas for inverse trigonometric functions.

2025-01-06 19:55:39