Exponential and logarithmic functions illuminated.

Exponential and logarithmic functions may seem somewhat esoteric at first, but they model many phenomena in the real-world.

1 What are exponential and logarithmic functions?

Is \(b^{-x}\) an exponential function?
yes no

In either definition above \(b\) is called the base.

1.1 Connections between exponential functions and logarithms

Let \(b\) be a positive real number with \(b\ne 1\).

  • \(b^{\log _b(x)} = x\) for all positive \(x\)
  • \(\log _b(b^x) = x\) for all real \(x\)
What exponent makes the following expression true?
\[ 3^x = e^{\left ( x \cdot \answer {\ln 3} \right )}. \]

2 What can the graphs look like?

2.1 Graphs of exponential functions

2.2 Graphs of logarithmic functions

3 Properties of exponential functions and logarithms

Working with exponential and logarithmic functions is often simplified by applying properties of these functions. These properties will make appearances throughout our work.

3.1 Properties of exponents

Let \(b\) be a positive real number with \(b\ne 1\).

  • \(b^m\cdot b^n = b^{m+n}\)
  • \(b^{-1} = \frac {1}{b}\)
  • \(\left (b^m\right )^n = b^{mn}\)
What exponent makes the following true?
\[ 2^4 \cdot 2^3 = 2^{\answer {7}} \]
\[ (2^4) \cdot (2^3) = (2 \cdot 2\cdot 2 \cdot 2) \cdot (2 \cdot 2\cdot 2) \]

3.2 Properties of logarithms

Let \(b\) be a positive real number with \(b\ne 1\).

  • \(\log _b(m\cdot n) = \log _b(m) + \log _b(n)\)
  • \(\log _b(m^n) = n\cdot \log _b(m)\)
  • \(\log _b\left (\frac {1}{m}\right ) = \log _b(m^{-1}) = -\log _b(m)\)
  • \(\log _a(m) = \frac {\log _b(m)}{\log _b(a)}\)
What value makes the following expression true?
\[ \log _2\left (\frac {8}{16}\right ) = 3-\answer {4} \]
What makes the following expression true?
\[ \log _3(x) = \frac {\ln (x)}{\answer {\ln (3)}} \]
2025-01-06 19:59:41