We explore functions that “shoot to infinity” at certain points in their domain.

If we think of an asymptote as a “line that a function resembles when the input or output is large,” then there are three types of asymptotes, just as there are three types of lines: \begin{align*} \text {Vertical Asymptotes} \qquad &\leftrightarrow \qquad \text {Vertical Lines}\\ \text {Horizontal Aymptotes}\qquad &\leftrightarrow \qquad \text {Horizontal Lines} \\ \text {Slant Asymptotes}\qquad &\leftrightarrow \qquad \text {Slant Lines} \end{align*}

Here we’ve made up a new term “slant” line, meaning a line whose slope is neither zero, nor is it undefined. Let’s do a quick review of the different types of asymptotes:

Vertical asymptotes Recall, a function \(f\) has a vertical asymptote at \(x=a\) if at least one of the following hold:

  • \(\lim _{x\to a} f(x) = \pm \infty \),
  • \(\lim _{x\to a^+} f(x) = \pm \infty \),
  • \(\lim _{x\to a^-} f(x) = \pm \infty \).

In this case, the asymptote is the vertical line

\[ x = a. \]

Horizontal asymptotes We have also seen that a function \(f\) has a horizontal asymptote if

\[ \lim _{x\to \infty } f(x) = L \qquad \text {or}\qquad \lim _{x\to -\infty } f(x) = L, \]

and in this case, the asymptote is the horizontal line

\[ \ell (x) = L. \]

Slant asymptotes On the other hand, a slant asymptote is a somewhat different beast.

Consider the graph of the following function. What is the slant asymptote of this function?
\[ \ell (x) = \answer {x/2 -1} \]

To analytically find slant asymptotes, one must find the required information to determine a line:

  • The slope.
  • The \(y\)-intercept.

While there are several ways to do this, we will give a method that is fairly general.

2025-01-06 19:32:06