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Mathematical Expression Editor
We learn a new technique, called substitution, to help us solve problems involving
Computing antiderivatives is not as easy as computing derivatives. One
issue is that the chain rule can be difficult to “undo.” We have a general
method called “integration by substitution” that will somewhat help with this
If the functions are differentiable, we can apply the chain rule and obtain
\[ \frac {d}{dx} f(g(x)) = f'(g(x))g'(x) \]
If the
derivatives are continuous, we can use this equality to evaluate a definite integral.
Namely, \begin{align*} \int _a^b f'(g(x))g'(x) dx &= \bigg [ f(g(x)) \bigg ]_a^b \\ &= f(g(b)) - f(g(a)). \\ \end{align*}
On the other hand, it is also true that \begin{align*} \int _{g(a)}^{g(b)} f'(u) du &= \bigg [ f(u) \bigg ]_{g(a)}^{g(b)}\\ &= f(g(b)) - f(g(a)). \\ \end{align*}
Since the right hand sides of these equalities are equal, the left hand sides must be
equal, too. So, it follows that
This simple observation leads to the following theorem.
Integral Substitution Formula Let \(g'\) be the derivative of a function \(g\) and let \(f'\) be the
derivative of a function \(f\). If \(g'\) is continuous on the interval \([a,b]\) and \(f'\) is continuous on the
interval \([g(a),g(b)]\), then
The integral on the right appears to be much simpler than the
original integral. So, when evaluating a difficult integral, we try to apply this theorem
and replace the original integral with a simpler one. We can do this as long as the
conditions of the theorem are satisfied.
We will apply the Integral Substitution Formula (ISF) to the following example.
\[ \int _0^2 x e^{x^2} dx \]
Why do we think that the ISF can be useful in this example?
Does this integral have the structure
\[ \int _a^b f'(g(x)) g'(x) dx , \]
so that we can apply the ISF?
We set \(g(x) =x^2\), so \(g'(x)dx =2xdx\), and note that
So we wrote the integral in a form suitable for application of the ISF. Therefore, we
can substitute \(u\) for \(g(x)\) and \( du\) for \(g'(x) dx\) and write
\[ \int _0^2 x e^{x^2} dx=\frac {1}{2}\int _0^{2} e^{g(x)}g'(x) dx=\frac {1}{2}\int _{g(0)}^{g(2)} e^{u} du \]
\[ \int _0^2 x e^{x^2} dx=\frac {1}{2}\int _{0}^{4} e^{u} du \]
The figure below illustrates both integrals.
The two shaded areas in
the figure, \(A= \int _0^2 x e^{x^2} dx\) and \(B=\frac {1}{2}\int _{0}^{4} e^{u} du\), appear to be equal, and this confirms what was established by
computation before.
Therefore, whenever we are faced with a problem of evaluating a difficult integral, we
try to replace it with a simpler one, as long as both integrals represent the same net
We can solve a problem like this in a slightly different way. Let’s do the same
example again, this time we will think in terms of differentials.
\[ \int _0^2 x e^{x^2} dx \]
Here we will set
\[ u=g(x) = x^2. \]
\[ du =g'(x) dx=2x dx. \]
Here, we are thinking in terms of differentials. We
can solve for \(dx\) to get
\[ dx = \frac {du}{2x}. \]
Using this equality, we can write
\begin{align*} \int _0^2 x e^{x^2} dx &= \int _{g(0)}^{g(2)} x e^{u} \frac {du}{2x}\\ &= \int _{0}^{4} \frac {e^u}{2} du . \end{align*}
At this point, we can continue as we did before and write
Finally, sometimes we simply want to deal with the antiderivative on its
own. We will repeat the example one more time in oder to demonstrate this
\[ \int _0^2 x e^{x^2} dx \]
We can apply the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
and, in order to do that, we first need to compute an indefinite integral.
\[ \int x e^{x^2} dx. \]
As before, we set \(u=g(x)=x^2\), and compute \( du = 2x dx\), thinking in terms of differentials. Now we see that
\[ \int x e^{x^2} dx = \int x e^{u} \frac {du}{2x} = \int \frac {e^{u}}{2} du . \]
\[ \int x e^{x^2} dx = \frac {e^{u}}{2}+C . \]
This does not look right, since we need to find an antiderivative
of the function \( x e^{x^2},\) and our result is a function of \(u\). We can easily fix this, by
simply substituting \(u\) with \(g(x)=x^2\). Therefore,
Finally, we can apply the SFTOC
\begin{align*} \int _0^2 x e^{x^2} dx &=\bigg [ \frac {e^{x^2}}{2} \bigg ]_0^2\\ &= \frac {\answer [given]{e^4} -e^0}{2}. \end{align*}
1 More examples
With some experience, it is (usually) not too hard to see what to substitute as \(u\). We
will work through the following examples in the same way that we did for
Example 4.
\[ \int x^4(x^5+1)^{9} dx \]
Here we set \(u = \answer [given]{x^5+1}\), so \(du = \answer [given]{5x^4} dx\). Then it follows that \(dx=\frac {du}{5x^4}\). Therefore
\begin{align*} \int x^4(x^5+1)^{9} dx &= \int x^4 (u)^{9} \frac {du}{5x^4} \\ &= \frac {1}{5} \int u^{9} du\\ &=\frac {u^{10}}{ \answer [given]{50}}. \end{align*}
Notice that this example is an indefinite integral and not a definite integral, meaning
that there are no limits of integration. So we do not need to worry about
changing the endpoints of the integral. However, we do need to back-substitute
into our answer, so that our final answer is a function of \(x\). Recalling that \(u= x^5+1\),
we have our final answer
Reminder: you can always verify your result by
If substitution works to solve an integral (and that is not always the case!), a
common trick to find what to substitute for is to locate the “ugly” part of
the function being integrated. We then substitute for the “inside” of this
ugly part. While this technique is certainly not rigorous, it can prove to
be very helpful. This is especially true for students new to the technique
of substitution. The next two problems are really good examples of this
\[ \int _{-1}^0 12x^3 \cos ({x^4}) dx \]
The “ugly” part of the function being integrated is \(\cos ({x^4})\). The “inside” of this
term is then \(x^4\). So a good possibility is to try
\[ u =g(x)= x^4. \]
\[ du = (4x^3) dx \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad dx = \answer [given]{\frac {1}{4x^3}} du \]
Then we substitute back into the original integral and solve: \begin{align*} \int _{1}^{e^{\frac {\pi }{4}}} \frac {\cos (\ln x)}{x} dx &= \int _0^{\frac {\pi }{4}} \frac {\cos (u)}{x} x du \\ &= \int _0^{\frac {\pi }{4}} \cos (u) du \\ &= \bigg [ \answer [given]{\sin (u)} \bigg ]_{0}^{\frac {\pi }{4}} \\ &= \frac {\sqrt {2}}{\answer [given]{2}} - \answer [given]{0} = \frac {\sqrt {2}}{\answer [given]{2}}. \end{align*}
To summarize, if we suspect that a given function is the derivative of another via
the chain rule, we introduce a new variable \(u=g(x)\), where \(g\) is a likely candidate
for the inner function. We rewrite the integral entirely in terms of \(u\), with
no \(x\) remaining in the expression. If we can integrate this new function of \(u\),
then the antiderivative of the original function is obtained by replacing \(u\) by