Two young mathematicians discuss the standard form of a line.
- Devyn
- Riley, I think we’ve been too explicit with each other. We should try to be more implicit.
- Riley
- I. Um. Don’t really…
- Devyn
- I mean when plotting things!
- Riley
- Okay, but I still have no idea what you are talking about.
- Devyn
- Remember when we first learned the equation of a line, and the ‘‘standard form’’ was or something, which is totally useless for graphing. Also a circle is or something, and here isn’t even a function of .
- Riley
- Ah, I’m starting to remember. We can write the same thing in two ways. For example, if you write then is explicity a function of but if you write then is implicitly a function of .
- Devyn
- What I’m trying to say is that we need to learn how to work with these ‘‘implicit’’ functions.