If the answer is a derivative, we seek the questions that give that answer.
- Devyn
- (Pretending to be Alex Trebek) I’ve got a new costume.
- Riley
- Whoa! You look just like Trebek!
- Devyn
- In Jeopardy!, I, Trebek, give you an answer, and you must tell me the question.
- Riley
- Uh Alex, ‘What are the rules of Jeopardy!?’
- Devyn
- Ha. Exactly! Let’s play a different version where I’ll tell you a derivative, and you tell me the function. Are you ready?
- Riley
- I’ll take “Formulas for slope” for .
- Devyn
- Riley
- I’ve got an answer! Actually, I’ve got three different answers, I mean
- (a)
- “What’s the derivative of ?”
- (b)
- “What’s the derivative of ?”
- (c)
- “What’s the derivative of ?”
- Devyn
- Hmmm. Now I’m not sure which one it was.
- Riley
- What about if you had given me ?