General Concepts

If is a continuous function on a region in the -plane, then represents the signed areasigned volume of the region below the graph of lying over the region .
If is a continuous function and is a curve in the -plane, then is called a scalar line integralvector line integral and represents the total unsigned areasigned areasigned volume of the region under lying over the curve .
Which of the following functions is an example of a vector field?
The temperature at any point in the air around us. The velocity of water at any point in a river. The air pressure at any point around us.
Give the definition of a conservative vector field.
What does a vector line integral represent geometrically?
If is a region in the -plane, then what does represent?
If is a curve, then gives what?

True/False Questions

Answer each of the following as true or false, and explain your answe. Unless otherwise specified, all functions and all components of vector fields are defined and continuous everywhere.

If is an oriented curve and is a vector field that, at every point on , makes an acute angle with the tangent vectors of , then .
True False
If is a continuous function and is a closed curve in the -plane, then .
True False
The vector field is conservative.
True False
If is a conservative vector field, then .
True False
If is the unit circle, oriented counterclockwise, and is a vector field with , then is a conservative vector field.
True False
If is the unit circle, oriented counterclockwise, and is a vector field with , then is perpendicular to the curve at every point on the circle.
True False
If is a conservative vector field, then has infinitely many potential functions .
True False
If has continuous second partial derivatives on , and and are two paths from to , then .
True False
If is an oriented curve and is the curve with the opposite orientation, and is a vector field, then .
True False
If is an oriented curve in the -plane and is the curve with the opposite orientation, and is an everywhere continuous function, then .
True False
If , and is a closed curve (oriented counterclockwise) which encloses a region in the -plane, then .
True False
If is a curve from point to point in the -plane, and is a continuous function, then .
True False

Free Response

If and is the rectangle in the -plane, then
The volume of the solid bounded by and the planes , , , and is:
If is the region given by , , and , and , then .
The volume of the solid bounded by and is: .
The integral
If is the curve given by for , and , then .
The integral in polar coordinates is: and the integral is equal to: .
If and is the line segment from to , then .
If and is the line segment from to , then .
If and is the circle oriented clockwise, then .
Let be the region in the first quadrant inside both the circle and the circle . Then .
If and is the line segment from to , then
Let be the cure going from to to to back to along straight line segments. Then
If is the curve given by , with , then
Let and let be the arc of the parabola from to . Then .
Let be the curve given by for . Then .
Let be the portion of where , oriented from to , and let . Then
If is the top half of oriented counterclockwise, then