Understand the definition of the gradient and how to compute it.
Know the properties of the gradient.
Understand what a directional derivative is geometrically, and also how to compute it algebraically.
Understand how the formula for the directional derivative follows from the chain rule.
Be able to find the tangent plane to a surface defined either implicitly or explicitly.

Recap Video

You can watch watch the following video which recaps the ideas of the section.

Test your understanding with the following questions.
The gradient is a scalarvector .
The directional derivative is a scalarvector .
If is a nonzero vector, is a continuous function, and is a point which of the following is equal to the directional derivative ? Select all that apply.
, where is the angle between and


Below is a video showing an example of computing a tangent plane.

Formula and Properties Recap


If , then
If , then:
  • .

If and , evaluate .

Consider the function and the point .
  • The gradient of at is .
  • The rate of change of at in the direction of is .
    Find a directional derivative with .
  • Is increasing or decreasing at in the direction of ?
    Increasing Decreasing
  • The maximum possible value of (among all possible vectors ) is .
  • Is there a vector such that ?
    Yes No

Consider the function , and let be the point .
  • The gradient of at is .
  • The level curve of which goes through the point is the one occurring at .
  • Sketch both the level curve and the gradient vector at . The answer is in the hint.
    The level curve for part (c).

  • A vector which is tangent to the level curve through is: .
  • The maximum rate of increase of the function at the point is: .
  • The direction of the maximum rate of increase of the function at the point is (as a unit vector): .

You are standing on the hill whose height at any point is given by . Your projection onto the -plane is .
  • You are currently at height: .
  • If you walk in the direction of the point , is your height increasing or decreasing?
    Increasing Decreasing
  • The direction (as a unit vector) you should start walking in to descend the hill quickest is .
  • Is there any direction you can walk in so that you walk down the hill at a rate of ?
    The maximum rate of decrease is .
    Yes No

Find the tangent plane to the surface at the point :

Find the tangent plane to the surface given by at the point