Determine whether the following vectors are orthogonal (i.e. perpendicular), parallel, or neither.
  • and are orthogonalparallelneither .
  • and are orthogonalparallelneither .
  • and are orthogonalparallelneither .
  • and are orthogonalparallelneither .
Which of the following expressions make sense as a mathematical expression and which do not? Here, are all three dimensional vectors, denotes the dot product, and denotes the cross product.
  • makes sensedoes not make sense
  • makes sensedoes not make sense
  • makes sensedoes not make sense
  • makes sensedoes not make sense
  • makes sensedoes not make sense
  • makes sensedoes not make sense
  • makes sensedoes not make sense

The acute angle between the lines and is .
Find direction vectors for the lines. A direction vector for is , and a direction vector for is . The cosine formula says Notice Now use the formula to get . This is an obtuse angle, and the answer wanted an acute angle, so we do minus this angle to get an answer of .
If and is a vector such that the angle between and is , then .
The length of the projection is .
Let be a cube of side length .
  • The (acute) angle between the main diagonal of the cube and one of its edges is equal to .
    If we say one of the vertices of the cube is at , then the main diagonal is given by , and one of its edges is, say, .
  • The angle between the main diagonal and the diagonal of one of its faces is equal to (you can and should leave your answer as of a number): .

The area of the parallelogram with vertices , , , and is equal to .
The area of the triangle with vertices , , and is equal to .
Consider the four points , , , and . The volume of the parallelepiped spanned by , , and is equal to .
  • Are the vectors , , and coplanar (i.e. do they lie on the same plane)?
    Yes No
  • Are the points , , and coplanar?
    Yes No

If and are unit vectors with , then the angle between and is equal to .
True or False (true means always true, otherwise it is false): If and are nonzero, three-dimensional vectors, then must be parallel to .
True False
The statement above is true if the angle between and is .
Consider the line given by and . Are the lines and parallel, intersecting, or skew?
Parallel Intersecting Skew
Let be the line through and . At how many points does intersect the -plane? .
An equation of the plane through , , and in the form is
Let be the line given by , and let be the plane through perpendicular to . The point at which intersects is
Consider the planes and .
  • The acute angle between the planes is .
  • Find a vector equation for the line of intersection between the planes.
    One such line is .

The distance from the point to the plane given by is equal to .
Are the planes and parallel or intersecting?
Parallel Intersecting
For each of the following, give the answer in the form . Find an equation of the plane:
  • Passing through and normal to :
  • Passing through and parallel to :
  • Containing the line , , and parallel to :
  • Passing through and containing the line , , :

Consider the origin and the plane .
  • The distance from to the plane is .
  • The point on which is closest to is .

Parametrize the following curves. Remember to give bounds on the parameter if necessary.
  • Possible parametrization: .
  • Possible parametrization: .
  • Possible parametrization: for .
  • The line segment between the points and
    Possible parametrization: for .
  • The intersection of the surface and the plane .
    Possible parametrization: .
  • The intersection of the cylinder and the plane .
    Possible parametrization: for .
  • The intersection of the surfaces and .
    Possible parametrization: for .
  • The line tangent to the curve at the points where .
    Possible parametrization: .
  • The intersection of the cylinder and the cone .
    Possible parametrization: for .

The length of the curve from to is .
Suppose , that and . Find .
Consider the curve given by . At how many points is the tangent vector to the curve horizontal? .
List the values in increasing order:
Suppose a particle is moving with position . At what value of is the speed of the particle smallest? .
Consider the curves and . At what point do the curves intersect?
Suppose , where is a differentiable function. If , , and , then
Consider the function .
  • For which values of does the level curve have no points? It is for all .
  • What do the level curves of look like?
    Lines Circles Parabolas Exponential Graphs Logarithmic Graphs

An equation for the tangent plane to the surface at the point is (in the form ):
An equation for the tangent plane to the surface given implicitly as at the point is (in the form ):
Suppose . Then at the point is equal to .
For each of the following, calculate the partials , (and where appropriate).
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • (restricted to the domain where ).

If , find . That is, find .
Let be the surface consisting of the set of points equidistant from the point and the plane .
  • An equation for the surface is
    Let be on . Calculate the distance from to and from to . Set them equal and solve for .
  • The surface is a:
    Plane Cylinder Sphere Paraboloid Cone

Suppose a surface contains the parametric curves and . An equation for the tangent plane to at is (in the form ):
Find two tangent vectors and cross them to get the normal vector for the tangent plane.
  • The surface given by is a:
    Plane Cylinder Sphere Paraboloid Cone
  • The surface given by is a:
    Plane Cylinder Sphere Paraboloid Cone
  • The surface given by is a:
    Plane Cylinder Sphere Paraboloid Cone

Let .
  • Which of the following describes the level curve ?
    The curves . The curves with holes at all points where . The curves with a hole only at the origin.
  • The partials
  • The equation of the tangent plane to at the point is (in the form ):
  • What is the rate of change of at in the direction of ?
    Use the directional derivative formula.
  • The unit vector direction in which increases most rapidly at the point is:

Let be the surface consisting of all points for which the distance between and the -axis is twice the distance from to the -plane. The surface is a:
Paraboloid Sphere Cylinder Cone Plane
The equation of the surface is .
The function satisfies which of the following equations (select all that apply).
The function , where is a constant, satisfies which of the following equations (select all that apply).
If and , , then at is equal to .
The temperature at a point is given by , measured in Celsius. A bug crawls so that its position at seconds is and , where and are in centimeters. The temperature satisfies and . How fast is the temperature rising on the bug’s path after seconds? Cseconds/second
If and , , and , then at the point where and :
At which points is the direction of fastest increase of the function equal to :
Only the point All points where The point There are no such points
Do the three points , , and lie on one line?
Yes No
How many lines are there which pass through and are perpendicular to the vector ?
One Two Three Infinitely Many
The set of all such lines forms a:
Cone Paraboloid Plane Sphere
Consider the function . How many critical points does the function have? .
The points happen at and .
The point is a local maximumlocal minimumsaddle point and the point is a local maximumlocal minimumsaddle point .
The absolute maximum of the function on the region is equal to .
Consider . How many critical points does the function have? .
The point happens at .
The point is a local maximumlocal minimumsaddle point .
Let . How many critical points does the function have? .
The points happen at and .
The point is a local maximumlocal minimumsaddle point and the point is a wordChoicelocal maximumlocal minimumsaddle point.
If , find the absolute maximum and minimum of on the rectangle with vertices , , , and .
Consider the function . On the disc , the absolute maximum value is and the absolute minimum value is .