Know how to compute a dot product.
Know the cosine formula for the dot product.
Understand what the dot product formula says about the angle between vectors.
Know what the projection looks like geometrically and how to compute it.

Recap Video

You can watch watch the following video which recaps the ideas of the section.

Test your understanding with the following questions.
If and , then the dot product is equal to which of the following (select all that apply):
, where is the angle between and . , where is the angle between and .
If and are two nonzero vectors, then which of the following is true of the projection ? Select all that apply.
If it is nonzero, then it is always parallel to . . If it is nonzero, then it is always parallel to .


If and , then .
The angle between the two vectors is AcuteRightObtuse .
What it the angle between the vectors and ?

If and are unit vectors with an angle of between them, then .
Use .


Let an .
  • The dot product of and is .
  • The angle between and is acuterightobtuse .
  • The projection will be in the sameopposite direction as .
  • The component .
  • The projection

Suppose and are nonzero three-dimensional vectors with orthogonal to . Then


If is a unit vector, then it must be true that . TrueFalse
Assume and are nonzero vectors with . Then it must be true that TrueFalse
Assume and are nonzero vectors. Then it must be true that TrueFalse
If , , are nonzero vectors with and , then it must be true that is always zero. TrueFalse

Optional: Dot Product Cosine Formula

For those who are interested, below is a video explaining where the dot product cosine formula comes from.


Optional: Projection Formula Explained

Below is a video explaining how to arrive at the projection formula.
