We use the procedure of “Slice, Approximate, Integrate” to compute volumes of solids with radial symmetry.

Solids of revolution

Given a region in the -plane, we built solids by stacking “slabs” with given cross sections on top of . Another way to generate a solid from the region is to revolve it about a vertical or horizontal axis of rotation. A solid generated this way is often called a solid of revolution. In this section, we study two methods used to compute the volume of such a solid.

Before we begin, we recall that in order to find the volume of a hollowed out cylinder with outer radius , inner radius , and height :

Note that the volume of a hollow cylinder requires only these geometric quantities of interest; it does not require that we work with a coordinate system. To use calculus, however, we must work with functions described using a coordinate system. We thus will create solids of revolution by revolving regions in the -plane about an axis of rotation. One of the essential skills to find the resulting volumes will be a familiar one; we must express the geometric quantities of interest (, , and here) in terms of our variable of integration.

The Washer Method

To illustrate the first method, we start with a motivating example:

Motivating Example Consider the region in the -plane bounded by , , and :

A solid of revolution is formed by revolving this region about the -axis:

How can we go about finding the volume of the resulting solid? Let’s try to apply the “Slice, Approximate, Integrate” procedure.

Step 1: Slice The geometry of the base region suggests that it is advantageous to use horizontal slices. This means we should:

integrate with respect to . integrate with respect to .

We indicate a prototypical slice of thickness at an unspecified -value on the base:

Step 2: Approximate We approximate the slice on the base by a rectangle:

The result of rotating the slice appears on the solid:

The slice is approximately a “thin” hollow cylinder. The outer radius and inner radius are finite, but the thickness is thought of as quite small. We thus write:

Our goal is now to express both and in terms of the unspecified -value of the slice. From our picture, we see that the outer radius is:

the distance from the axis of rotation to the outer curve. the distance from the axis of rotation to the inner curve.

and the inner radius is:

the distance from the axis of rotation to the outer curve. the distance from the axis of rotation to the inner curve.

Both of these distances are:

horizontal distances. vertical distances.

We now label these on the image of the base:

We can find both and now the way we always find horizontal distance.

For the outer radius :

  • The righthand curve is given by:
  • The lefthand curve is given by:

Thus .

Following similar logic for the inner radius gives: .

The volume of our single approximate slice is thus:

and the approximate total volume using slices is found by adding the volume of each slice:

where is the -value chosen for the -th slice and is the thickness of that slice.

Step 3: Integrate In order to find the exact volume, we simultaneously must shrink the width of our slices while adding all of the volumes together. As usual, the definite integral allows us to do this, and we may write:

Evaluating this integral gives that the total volume is .

The Washer method formula

Recall that an infinitesimal slice is a washer if its inner and outer radii are finite and whose height is infinitesimal. In order to obtain this type of hollow cylinder, the slices must be perpendicular to the axis of rotation.

We can summarize the results of the above argument nicely:

To see how this formula works in action, let’s consider an example where we take the same region and revolve it about different lines:

The Shell Method

Some volumes of revolution require more than one integral using the Washer Method. For instance, consider the solid formed when the region bounded by the curves , , , and is revolved about the -axis:

If we use the Washer Method, the slices must be perpendicular to the axis of rotation. This means that the slices will be horizontal, but the righthand curve will change. So, if we use the Washer Method, we will need integrals with respect to to compute the volume.

Let’s take a step back now and imagine building up the volume another way. Since the top and bottom curve for this region do not change, so let’s try to set up the volume of the solid of revolution by using vertical slices and the “Slice, Approximate, Integrate” procedure:

Step 1: Slice We indicate a prototypical slice of thickness at an unspecified -value on the base:

Step 2: Approximate We approximate the slice on the base by a rectangle:

The solid of revolution and the result of rotating the slice appear below:

The solid of revolution.

The rotated slice is a “shell”.

The result of revolving the slice produced another hollow cylinder. This solid is now built by nesting larger shells inside of smaller ones (rather than by stack washers on top of each other). As before, the more slices we use, the better the approximation becomes and we want to let our slice width to become arbitrarily small. Recall from the beginning of the section that the volume of a hollow cylinder is:

Now, as becomes small, which of these quantities becomes small?

The height . The outer radius . The inner radius . The difference between the outer and inner radius, .

In order to understand how to write the volume of a slice, we note that , so we write:

As the slice width shrinks, we see that and become indistinguishable, so we can replace them with their average value , which is the midpoint of the slice, and write:

Step 3: Integrate In order to find the exact volume, we simultaneously must shrink the width of our slices while adding all of the volumes together. As usual, the definite integral allows us to do this, and we may write:

To finish off the problem, we must express the geometric quantities and for our arbitrary slice in terms of the variable of integration.

To find , look at the previous images and note that is:

The height of the rectangle. The distance from the axis of rotation to the slice.

This distance is a horizontal distance and can be found using by . Noting that the arbitrary slice occurs at an unspecified -value:

Thus, .

To find , look at the previous images and note that is:

The height of the rectangle. The distance from the axis of rotation to the slice.

This height is a vertical distance and can be found using by .

Thus, the volume of the solid of revolution is:

The integral is perhaps easier to evaluate if we factor out the and expand the integrand:

Evaluating this integral gives that the total volume is .

The Shell Method Formula

We can summarize the results of the above argument nicely:

We do not have to go through the “Slice, Approximate, Integrate” procedure for every example from now on; it was meant to show you how to develop the Shell Method formula here. Let’s see now how the formula works in action.

Bringing it all together

We have seen two different techniques that can be used to find the volume of a solid of revolution. Before beginning to set up an integral that gives the volume, there are three important pieces of information:

  • The type of slice (vertical or horizontal)
  • The variable of integration ( or )
  • The method (Washer or Shell)

An important observation is that given any one of these three pieces of information, the others immediately follow. For instance, if we choose to use vertical slices, this immediately tells us that the variable of integration is . We can then look at the axis of rotation and determine if these vertical slices are parallel or perpendicular to the axis of rotation. If they are parallel, we will use the Shell Method; if they are perpendicular, we will use the Washer Method.

Here are a few examples:

When working these problems, you may be given the variable of integration, the method of integration, or may have complete freedom (in which case you should choose the more convenient type of slice). These scenarios will all appear in the exercises and you should use logic similar to that in the above examples to work them.

“Education is not the leaning of facts, but the training of the mind to think” - Albert Einstein