In this section we compute derivatives involving and .

1 The derivative of

We begin by computing the derivative of exponential functions of the form where . To do this we will use the chain rule and a conversion formula to the natural base, . The conversion formula is

Now, by the chain rule,

This gives us the following theorem:

(problem 1) Compute
Use the exponential rule with
The derivative of is
The derivative of is .
(problem 2a) Compute
Use the Sum Rule
The derivative of with respect to is
(problem 2b) Compute
The derivative of is itself
The derivative of with respect to is
(problem 2c) Compute
Use the Constant Multiple Rule

The derivative of with respect to is

(problem 2d) Compute
Use the Product Rule with and .
The derivative of is
The derivative of is
The derivative of with respect to is

The Chain Rule applied to a general exponential function, , yields the following:

(problem 3) Compute

2 The derivative of

To find the derivative of with , we use the following change of base formula:

Since the denominator in the above formula is a constant, we can use the Constant Multiple Rule to find the derivative:

This gives us the following theorem:

(problem 4a) Compute
(problem 4b) Compute
Common log:

The derivative of with respect to is

(problem 4c) Find if .

2024-09-27 13:55:07