In this section we prepare for the final exam.

1 Limits

2 Derivatives

Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of at , and use it to approximate .
The equation is and .
Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of at .
The equation is .

3 Integrals

Find the area under the graph of from to .
The area is .
Find the area under the graph of from to .
The area is .

4 FTC, Part II

5 Implicit Differentiation

Find if .
Find if .

6 Related Rates

The radius of a circle is increasing at a rate of cm/min. How fast is the area increasing when the radius is cm?
The radius of a sphere is increasing at a rate of cm/min. How fast is the volume increasing when the radius is cm?
The short leg of a right triangle is increasing at a rate of cm/min and the long leg is increasing at a rate of cm/min. How fast is the hypotenuse increasing when the short leg is cm and the long leg is cm?

7 Optimization

A farmer has 1200 feet of fence with which to fence in a rectangular pasture. Moreover, he would like to partition the pasture into two plots with fence parallel to the bottom side (horizontal). What dimensions will maximize the total area of his enclosed pastures?
The optimal length (horizontal) is   feet and
the optimal width (vertical) is feet.
A fifth grader has cm of cardboard with which to construct a box with a square base and an open top. What is the maximum possible volume for his box?
The maximum possible volume is .

8 Max/Min, Inc/Dec and Concavity

Find the absolute maximum and the absolute minimum of the function on the interval .
The absolute maximum is occurring at .
The absolute minimum is occurring at .
Find the absolute maximum and the absolute minimum of the function on the interval .
The absolute maximum is occurring at .
The absolute minimum is occurring at .
The function is increasing on the interval(s):
and only only
The function is concave down on the interval(s):

9 Rectilinear Motion

A projectile is launched vertically. Its height (in feet) after seconds is given by .

The maximum height of the projectile is .
The velocity of the object when it is feet up and falling is .

A projectile is launched vertically. Its height (in feet) after seconds is given by .

The maximum height of the projectile is .
The velocity of the object when it is feet up and rising is .

10 Mean Value Theorem

Find the value of ‘’ from the Mean Value Theorem for the function on the interval
Show that there is no value of ‘’ from the Mean Value Theorem for the function on the interval . Why does this NOT contradict the statement of the theorem?

11 Area

Find the exact area under the graph of from to .
Area under the curve

Find the exact area above the graph of from to .
Area above the curve
2024-09-27 13:54:44