In this section we learn to compute the value of a definite integral using the fundamental theorem of calculus.

1 The Definite Integral

We begin with the definition of the definite integral. Recall that a Riemann Sum for the function on the interval using sample points, , taken from intervals of width is given by For a non-negative function, a Riemann Sum gives area of rectangles. Due to the connection between these rectangles and the function , this sum approximates the area under the curve. Observing that the approximation approaches the exact value as the number of rectangles increases, we define the exact area under the curve as a limit of Riemann Sums and we call this limit the definite integral.

The numbers and on the integral sign are called the endpoints of integration and the function is called the integrand. For a non-negative function on the interval , the definite integral gives us the exact area under the curve.

If the the graph of the function is a line or semi-circle, then we may be able to compute the definite integral by referring to a familiar geometric formula rather than referring to a Riemann Sum.

Definite Integrals that represent areas of familiar regions

(problem 1) Use geometry to find the value of the definite integral.
The definite integral gives the area under the curve
(problem 2) Use geometry to find the value of the definite integral.
The definite integral gives the area under the curve
(problem 3) Use geometry to find the value of the definite integral
The definite integral gives the area under the curve

For the next example, we need to know that for a number , the graph of the equation is a circle centered at the origin with radius . Solving this equation for , we get: The graph of is the upper semi-circle and the graph of is the lower semi-circle.

(problem 4) Use geometry to find the value of the definite integral.
The definite integral gives the area under the curve

The above examples were very special in that the region under the curve had a familiar shape which made calculating the definite integral an exercise in using elementary geometry formulas. In general, the area cannot be computed in this elementary manner. The alternative is to use a limit of Riemann Sums. It turns out that this method is quite laborious (as we will show in the example below), but fortunately, there is a beautiful result which reduces the solution process to finding anti-derivatives. We will explore this Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in the next section.

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