Two young mathematicians discuss the derivative of inverse functions.

Check out this dialogue between two calculus students (based on a true story):
Riley, I have a calculus question.
Hit me with it.
What’s the derivative of ?
Hmmm…we haven’t talked about that yet in our class.
I know! But maybe we can figure it out.
Well, if

so and now we can use the chain rule to take its derivative

But is this right?

Let’s see if we can figure out if Devyn and Riley are correct. Start by looking at a plot of :

Let . Use the plot above to determine the sign of the derivative of .

On the other hand,

What is the sign of ?
In light of the problems above, is it possible that
yes no
When our friends wrote wheren , what do they think the ‘‘’’ represents? Are they correct?
Riley thinks that we can use the power rule on the , which tells us that the students are using as an exponent for the exponential function. However, in the case of inverse functions such as , the is not an exponent.