Definite integrals compute signed area.

Definite integrals, often simply called integrals, compute signed area.

Consider the following graph of :
Use the formula for the area of a triangle.
Remember, we are dealing with ‘‘signed’’ area here:

Our previous question hopefully gives us enough insight that this next theorem is unsurprising.

Due to the geometric nature of integration, geometric properties of functions can help us compute integrals.

The names odd and even come from the fact that these properties are shared by functions of the form where is either odd or even. For example, if , then and if , then Geometrically, even functions have horizontal symmetry. Cosine is an even function:

On the other hand, odd functions have rotational symmetry around the origin. Sine is an odd function:
Let be an odd function defined for all real numbers. Compute:
Since our function is odd, it must look something like:
The integral above computes the following (signed) area:
Let be an odd function defined for all real numbers. Which of the following are equal to

Signed verses geometric area

We know that the signed area between a curve and the -axis on is given by On the other hand, if we want to know the geometric area, meaning the ‘‘actual’’ area, we compute

True or false:
true false

Integrals and Riemann sums

Exactly how does an integral compute area? It depends on who you ask. If you ask Riemann, then you set and look at the following limit of Riemann sums: This says, take a curve, slice it up into pieces on the interval , add up all the areas of rectangles whose width is determined by the slices and the height is determined by a sample point in one of these pieces.