We compute the area of a region between two curves using the definite integral.

We have seen how integration can be used to find signed area between a curve and the -axis. With very little change we can find areas bounded between curves. Generally we should interpret ‘‘area’’ in the usual sense, as a necessarily positive quantity. Suppose for all on the interval and we wish to know the geometric area bounded between and on this interval:
From the graph above we see that the area we want is the area under minus the area under , which is to say

It will also be useful to adopt the following intuitive way of thinking about this problem: In a somewhat nonrigorous way, we can think of an integral as ‘‘summing up” an infinite number of infinitesimal quantities. In this case we are summing rectangles of width and height :

In this case, the integral
could be interpreted as:

The blackbluesum of the area of rectangles whose blueblackheights are the difference between the top curve and bottom curve, and whose greenwidths are infinitesimal.

This way of thinking about integrals will be very useful to us in later, more complex, applications.

Integrating with respect to x

We’ll start with basic examples and gradually build to more difficult ones.

In our first example, one curve was higher than the other over the entire interval. This does not always happen.

In both of our examples above, we gave you the limits of integration by bounding the -values between and . However, in some problems you will have to do more work to determine these bounds.

Integrating with respect to y

Consider the region bounded by the function , and the horizontal axis:


While we could find the area of this region by breaking the computation up into the two regions and (check that is the intersection point!), there is another approach. We can think of splitting the region up into horizontal rectangles.

We can rewrite as , and we can rewrite as , so we have the following picture:

In this case, the integral
could be interpreted as:

The blackbluesum of the area of rectangles whose blueblackwidths are the difference between the right curve and left curve, and whose greenheights are infinitesimal.

Let’s see an example.