
Recall that given a function from a set to a set , the graph of is the set of all points , where belongs to . When and are intervals of real numbers, we are able to draw the graph of in the -plane.

When is one-to-one, we may talk about the inverse function (from the range of inside , to ), which is characterized by the equivalence of the relations and . However, as we have seen in the previous section, when solving algebraically for the inverse , we switch the letters and after all calculations are done. This step, while a priori seemingly arbitrary, allows us to draw the graphs of and together to compare them.

With this in mind, we have that a point is in the graph of precisely when is in the graph of . But what is the geometric relation between the points and ? Or, in other words, what does it mean to switch the coordinates of a point? Let’s see what happens with a few points, say, , , , and . They will be indicated in black, while the corresponding points with the switched coordinates will be indicated in blue.

As the picture indicates, switching the coordinates of a point amounts to reflecting it about the principal diagonal line, whose line equation is .

To elaborate more on this conclusion, we note that it allows us to read values of even without actually graphing it! Consider the following graph, of a function :

Even though we do not know the actual formula defining , just from knowing that and are in the graph of , we may safely conclude that and are in the graph of , which is to say that


Let’s explore several situations on what follows. To draw the graph of to begin with, we rely on what was discussed on previous chapters.

Consider the function . Draw the graph of from the graph of , deduce the formula for from the picture, and then double-check your work algebraically.
Consider the function , defined for all , and draw the graph of from the graph of . What happens if you take to be defined for every real number instead?
Consider the function , defined for all numbers . Draw the graph of from the graph of , and then algebraically find a formula for .
Consider the function , defined for all . Draw the graph of from the graph of . Then, algebraically find to confirm your work.

We also observe that, as suggested by the last exploration exercise above, the strategy illustrated here also allows us to find the graph of the original one-to-one function , if we’re given the graph of the inverse function instead. The reason for this is that the inverse of is , by design.

Inverses of Compositions

Lastly, there’s a general phenomenon worth mentioning, which sometimes makes things simpler. To understand it, let’s go back to the underpinning idea of what is the inverse function ’s job: to undo what does. So, if we have two one-to-one functions and for which the composition makes sense, then should also be one-to-one. In other words, the composition of two “reversible” processes must also be “reversible”. The next question, then, is what should be the inverse of the full composition . Since first applies , and then , reversing it should be done on the opposite order of things, first applying , and then .

In practice, this result can be used to quickly find formulas for inverse function, provided one is able to express (or reverse engineer) the given function as a composition of simpler functions whose inverses are known. Properly applied, this also allows us to bypass the verification that the given function is one-to-one (again, if the simpler functions are more well-known to be one-to-one).

Let’s revisit the last example above as an application of this: