We compute integrals of complex functions along contours.

Let be a contour parameterized by and let be a complex function defined along . Then the integral of along is defined by

(problem 1a) Use the parametrization given in the remark above to compute the integral in example 1.
(problem 1b) Let be the line segment from to . Compute

(problem 1c) Let be the unit circle traversed in the counter-clockwise direction. Compute

To parametrize the circle traversed in the counter-clockwise direction, use

Here is a video solution to problem 1 (parts b and c):


What happens if we reverse the direction of a contour , ?

If is a contour parameterized by then the contour which represents the same points as but traced in the opposite direction has parametrization .

Using the substitution , we have \begin{align*} \int _{-C} f(z) \, dz &= \int _a^b f(\zeta (s)) \zeta '(s) \, ds \\ &= \int _a^b f\big (x(a+b-s) + iy(a+b-s)\big ) \big [x'(a+b-s)(-1)+ iy'(a+b-s)(-1)\big ]\, ds\\ &= \int _b^a f\big (x(t)+iy(t)\big ) \big [x'(t)+ iy'(t)\big ] \, dt\\ &= -\int _a^b f(\gamma (t)) \gamma '(t) \, dt\\ &= - \int _C f(z) \, dz \end{align*}
(problem 2a) Let be the unit circle traversed in the counter-clockwise direction. Compute

To parametrize the circle traversed in the counter-clockwise direction, use
(problem 2b) Let be the circle centered at of radius , traversed in the clockwise direction. Compute

To parametrize the circle traversed in the counter-clockwise direction, use
(problem 2c) Let be the circle centered at of radius , traversed in the counter-clockwise direction. Compute

To parametrize the circle traversed in the counter-clockwise direction, use

Compare your answers to problems 2b and 2c. Notice that they verify the proposition.

(problem 2d) Let be the circle centered at of radius , traversed in the counter-clockwise direction. Compute

To parametrize the circle traversed in the counter-clockwise direction, use

Here is a video solution to problem 2b:


Suppose is parametrized by . Since for all , the previous proposition implies But this last integral is exactly , the length of the curve and hence
(problem 3) Use the -formula to estimate the modulus of the integral: , where is the circle centered at of radius .
The maximum modulus of on is
The length of is
By the -formula,

Here is a video solution to problem 3:


If the function is analytic at every point on the contour , then the computation of the integral along can be simplified as long as an anti-derivative of can be found.

(problem 4) Let be any contour from to that does not cross the negative real axis or go through the origin. Compute .
Use the principal branch of the logarithm, , as the anti-derivative on .

Here is a video solution to problem 4:

2024-09-27 14:06:48