We use the Residue Theorem to compute integrals of complex functions around closed contours.
Recall that the coefficient in the Laurent series of a function centered at , is called the residue of at , denoted Res.
If we integrated this Laurent series term by term around a positively oriented simple closed curve, , containing no other singularities in its interior besides (possibly) then we would obtain: \begin{align*} \int _C \left (\sum _{k=-\infty }^\infty c_k (z-z_0)^k \right )\, dz &= \sum _{k=-\infty }^\infty \left ( \int _C c_k (z-z_0)^k \, dz \right )\\ &= c_{-1} \int _C \frac{1}{z-z_0} \, dz \quad \text{(verify)}\\ &= 2\pi i c_{-1} \quad \text{(verify)}\\ &= 2\pi i \text{Res}(f, z_0) \end{align*}
Combining the above result with the Extended Deformation of Contour Theorem, we obtain the Residue Theorem:
The function has singularities at both and , we need to find Laurent series for
centered at both of these points. At , the function is analytic an hence has a Taylor
series centered at of the form: The Laurent series for centered at is simply
Multiplying these Taylor and Laurent series gives the Laurent series for : Thus
Res since the is the constant term of the Taylor series of centered at is
Next, at , the function is analytic and has Taylor series and the function has
Laurent series The Laurent series of is obtained by multiplying these Taylor and
Laurent series together We only need the residue of , so let’s compute the coefficient
of in the product above. We get: Finally, we can evaluate the contour integral using
the Residue Theorem:
Res Res
Here is a video solution to problem 1c:
Here is a video solution to problem 1d: