We define the multivalued complex logarithm and discuss its branches and properties. We also define complex exponential functions.
1 The Multivalued Logarithm
Consider the function . This function is -periodic, so it is not one-to-one. Hence, does not have a traditional inverse- the complex logarithm is multivalued. To define the complex log, consider a complex number in the image of , i.e., let and let . Then Due to the fact that is periodic, we can write for any integer . See the figure below.
Since , we can see that the modulus of is and an argument of is , so that
We wish to define the function so that the ouputs are the set of points . Thus we define . In the definition below, we use in the place of .
Here is a video solution of problem 1c:
Some familiar properties of real logarithms carry over to the multivalued complex logarithm.
The key to the proof of the first property is that the argument of a product is the sum of the arguments: As a result of this property of the multivalued argument, we have \begin{align*} \log (z_1\cdot z_2) &= \ln |z_1 z_2| + i\arg (z_1 z_2)\\ &= \ln |z_1| + \ln |z_2| + i\left [\arg z_1 + \arg z_2\right ]\\ &= \log z_1 + \log z_2 \end{align*}The proof of the second property is similar (verify) and uses
2 Principal Log
Remarking that the complex exponential function, , is defined in terms of a radial part, , and an angular part , it is natural that the complex logarithm be defined in terms of the real natural logarithm of a modulus, and an argument function.
First, we will show that and are inverses.
in polar form (if then and ). Furthermore, if and only if .
\begin{align*} & \Log (-5) = \ln |-5|+ i \Arg (-5) = \ln 5 + i\pi \\ & \Log (i) = \ln |i|+ i \Arg (i) = \ln 1 + i\pi /2 = i\pi /2\\ & \Log (1+i) = \ln |1+i|+ i \Arg (1+i) = \ln \sqrt 2 + i\pi /4\\ & \Log (1-i) = \ln |1-i|+ i \Arg (1-i) = \ln \sqrt 2 - i\pi /4\\ & \Log (-3-i\sqrt 3) = \ln |-3-i\sqrt 3|+ i \Arg (-3-i\sqrt 3) = \ln 2\sqrt 3 + i7\pi /6 \end{align*}
\begin{align*} & \Log (-2) = \answer{\ln 2 + i\pi }\\ & \Log (-i) = \answer{-i\pi /2}\\ & \Log (-2-2i) = \answer{\frac 32 \ln 2 - i3\pi /4}\\ & \Log (-4+4i) = \answer{\frac 52 \ln 2 +i3\pi /4}\\ & \Log (1+i\sqrt 3) = \answer{\ln 2+ i\pi /3} \end{align*}
Here is a video solution of one part of problem 2:
The properties of the multivalued complex logarithm do not carry over to the principal branch without modification.
3 Other Branches
Let and consider the interval . For any non-zero , there is an element of the set which belongs to this interval. Hence, we can define a branch of the complex logarithm as follows.
\begin{align*} i) \, & \log _0(5) = \ln |5|+ i \arg _0(5) = \ln 5 + i2\pi \\ ii) \, & \log _\pi (i) = \ln |i|+ i \arg _\pi (i) = \ln 1 + i5\pi /2 = i5\pi /2\\ iii) \, & \log _{2\pi }(-2) = \ln |-2|+ i \arg _{2\pi }(-2) = \ln 2 + i3\pi \\ iv) \, & \log _0(-1-i)= \ln |-1-i|+ i \arg _0(-1-i) = \ln \sqrt 2 + i5\pi /4\\ v) \, & \log _{4\pi }(\sqrt 3 + i) = \ln |\sqrt 3 + i|+ i \arg _{4\pi }(\sqrt 3+i) = \ln 2 + i25\pi /6 \end{align*}
\begin{align*} i) \, & \log _0(3) = \answer{\ln 3 + i2\pi }\\ ii) \, & \log _\pi (-3) = \answer{\ln 3 + i3\pi }\\ iii) \, & \log _{3\pi }(-i) = \answer{ i7\pi /2}\\ iv) \, & \log _{2\pi }(-1+i) = \answer{\ln \sqrt 2 +i11\pi /4}\\ v) \, & \log _0(1- i\sqrt 3) = \answer{\ln 2+ i5\pi /3} \end{align*}
Here is a video solution of problem 3, part ii:
4 Complex Powers
We define power functions with complex powers. To do so, recall that the real functions and are inverses, so that for , we can write Furthermore, a property of logarithms allows us to write Combining these gives
Using the definition of a complex exponent, we have The principal value occurs when . It is Note that the values of are real!
\begin{align*} i) &\; 4^i; \;\; \mbox{Principal value:}\;\; \answer{e^{i\ln 4}}\\ ii) & \;(1+i)^{\pi i}; \;\;\mbox{Principal value:}\;\; \answer{e^{-\pi ^2/4 + \pi i \ln (\sqrt 2)}}\\ iii) & \;(-1)^{\sqrt 2}; \;\;\mbox{Principal value:}\;\; \answer{e^{i\pi \sqrt 2}} \end{align*}
Here is a video solution of problem 4, part iii: