We define and discuss the complex trigonometric functions.

1 The Complex Cosine

To define we will use Maclaurin series and the sum identity for the cosine.

The series of interest are: \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned}[c] &\sin (x) =\sum _{n=0}^\infty (-1)^n \frac{x^{2n+1}}{(2n+1)!}\\[15pt] &\sinh (x)=\sum _{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^{2n+1}}{(2n+1)!}\\ \end{aligned} \quad \quad \quad \begin{aligned}[c] &\cos (x) =\sum _{n=0}^\infty (-1)^n \frac{x^{2n}}{(2n)!}\\[15pt] &\cosh (x)=\sum _{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^{2n}}{(2n)!}\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation*}

The sum identity for the cosine is: We begin by allowing an imaginary term in the sum identity: Next, we define the sine and cosine of a purely imaginary input by using their respective Maclauren series: and These power series can be simplified into the Maclauren series for the hyperbolic functions(!) by noting that so that for all : and

Substituting these into the sum identity establishes: We use this as our definition of the complex cosine.

2 The Complex Sine

The sum identity for the sine function states that: for all (real) inputs and .

Based on the results obtained in the method for defining the complex cosine, which of the following is the definition of the complex sine function ?

(problem 1) Solve the following equations for . \begin{align*} i) & \; \sin (z) = -5\\ ii) & \; \sin (z) = i\\ iii) & \; \cos (z) = 5\\ iv) & \; \cos (z) = -2i\\ \end{align*}

Here is a video solution of one part of problem 1, part iv:


3 Identities

3.1 Periodicity

Since the real sine and cosine functions are periodic, so are their complex extensions.

The periodicity follows immediately from the definition: The periodicity of the cosine is proved similarly (verify).

3.2 Evenness and Oddness

Recall that and are odd functions and that and are even functions. As a result, is an odd function and is an even function.

To obtain the first equation, we have \begin{align*} \sin (-z) &= \sin (-x-iy) = \sin (-x)\cosh (-y) + i\cos (-x) \sinh (-y)\\ &= -\sin (x)\cosh (y) -i\cos (x) \sinh (y) = -\sin (z) \end{align*}

The evenness of the complex cosine is demonstrated similarly (verify).

3.3 Shift by

The verification of these identities follows directly from their real counterparts (verify).

3.4 Relation to the Complex Exponential

The complex Cosine and sine functions are related to the complex exponential function!

We will verify the second identity and leave the first to the reader. Using , the right hand side yields: and Subtracting the second of these from the first, we get \begin{align*} e^{iz} - e^{-iz} &= \left [e^{-y}-e^y\right ]\cos (x) + i\left [e^{-y}+e^y\right ]\sin (x)\\ &=-2\cos (x) \sinh (y) +2i \sin (x)\cosh (y)\\ & = 2i\left [\sin (x)\cosh (y) + i \cos (x)\sinh (y)\right ]\\ &=2i\sin (z) \end{align*}

The result follows by dividing by . The proof of the second equation is similar (verify).

Here is a video demonstration of the equation :


Using the exponential forms of sine and cosine gives: \begin{align*} \cos ^2(z) + \sin ^2(z) &= \left (\frac{e^{iz} + e^{-iz}}{2}\right )^2 + \left (\frac{e^{iz} - e^{-iz}}{2i} \right )^2\\ &= \frac{e^{2iz} + 2 + e^{-2iz}}{4} + \frac{e^{2iz} - 2 + e^{-2iz}}{-4}\\ &= \frac{e^{2iz} + 2 + e^{-2iz}}{4} - \frac{e^{2iz} - 2 + e^{-2iz}}{4}\\ &= \frac 44 = 1. \end{align*}

3.5 Co-functions

These identities follow directly from their counterparts for the real sine and cosine functions.

3.6 Sum and Difference Identities

To prove the first equation, we rewrite the right hand side using the complex exponential. The first term is \begin{align*} \sin (z_1)\cos (z_2) &= \frac{e^{iz_1} - e^{- iz_1}}{2i} \cdot \frac{e^{iz_2} + e^{-iz_2}}{2}\\ &= \frac{1}{4i}\left [e^{i(z_1+ z_2)} + e^{i(z_1 - z_2)} - e^{-i(z_1 - z_2)} - e^{-i(z_1+ z_2)}\right ] \end{align*}

The second term is \begin{align*} \cos (z_1)\sin (z_2) &= \frac{e^{iz_1} + e^{- iz_1}}{2} \cdot \frac{e^{iz_2} - e^{-iz_2}}{2i}\\ &= \frac{1}{4i}\left [e^{i(z_1+ z_2)} - e^{i(z_1 - z_2)} + e^{-i(z_1 - z_2)} - e^{-i(z_1+ z_2)}\right ] \end{align*}

Adding these, we get

The second equation follows from the first by replacing with and using evenness and oddness. The third and fourth equations are proved in the same manner as the first and second (verify).

4 The Other Trig functions

The other four trigonometric functions are defined in terms of the sine and cosine.

The functions and are -periodic and the functions and are -periodic (verify). The Pythagorean Identity for the sine and cosine gives rise to two other Pythagorean identities: and 2024-09-27 14:06:01