We visualize operations on complex numbers in the complex plane.
1 The Complex Conjugate
In the complex plane, a point and its conjugate are symmetric about the real axis.
2 The Negative of a Complex Number
In the complex plane, the points and are symmetric about the origin.
3 Complex Addition
Addition of complex numbers can be visualized in the complex plane by vector addition.
If and then the sum is formed by adding the corresponding components:
This can be expressed in terms of real and imaginary parts as and
The above figure suggests the triangle inequality, which is proved at the end of the section:
The modulus of a difference gives the distance between the complex numbers.
4 Complex Multiplication
Using the polar form, we can prove that complex multiplication corresponds to multiplying the moduli and adding the arguments. If and , then
This follows from the sum identities for the sine and cosine: and
In particular, \begin{align*} \cis \theta _1 \cis \theta _2 & = \left ( \cos \theta _1 +i\sin \theta _1 \right ) \left ( \cos \theta _2 + i \sin \theta _2 \right )\\ &= \left (\cos \theta _1 \cos \theta _2 - \sin \theta _1 \sin \theta _2\right )+i \left (\sin \theta _1\cos \theta _2 + \cos \theta _1 \sin \theta _2 \right )\\ &= \cos \left (\theta _1+\theta _2\right ) + i \sin \left (\theta _1+\theta _2\right ) \\ &= \cis \left (\theta _1+\theta _2\right ) \end{align*}
5 Proofs of the Triangle Inequality
The first proof uses the law of cosines: where is the angle opposite the side of length . Since , we have and the result follows by taking square roots.
The second proof uses the fact that for any real numbers and , Let and . Then and so Expanding the right hand side gives The result will follow once we show that . Expanding the left hand side gives Expanding the right hand side gives Finally, using with and .
The third and final proof uses the following properties of complex numbers:
We have \begin{align*} |z_1 + z_2|^2 &= (z_1 + z_2)({\overline{z_1 + z_2}}), \; \mbox{by} \; (1)\\ &= (z_1 + z_2)({\overline z_1} +{\overline z_2}), \; \mbox{by} \; (2)\\ &= z_1{\overline z_1} + z_1{\overline z_2}+{\overline z_1}z_2 + z_2{\overline z_2} \\ &= |z_1|^2 + z_1{\overline z_2} +{\overline{z_1{\overline z_2}}} + |z_2|^2 ,\; \mbox{by} \;(3) \, \mbox{and} \, (4)\\ &= |z_1|^2 + 2\Rep (z_1{\overline z_2}) + |z_2|^2, \; \mbox{by} \; (5) \\ & \leq |z_1|^2 + 2 |z_1{\overline z_2}| + |z_2|^2, \; \mbox{by} \;(6)\\ &= |z_1|^2 + 2 |z_1| \cdot |z_2| + |z_2|^2, \; \mbox{by} \;(7) \, \mbox{and} \, (8)\\ &= |z_1 + z_2|^2 \end{align*}
The result follow by taking square roots.
2024-09-27 14:07:33