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Mathematical Expression Editor
Vectors are lists of numbers that denote direction and magnitude.
1 The idea of vectors
The most successful textbook that was ever written was Euclid’s Elements. While
you are surely skeptical of this claim, and it is good to be skeptical, consider this:
Euclid’s Elements was used (in various editions) as a primary mathematics textbook
for nearly 2000 years. There are few textbooks (if any) that can share this claim.
However, Euclid’s Elements does have its shortcomings. Euclid defines a
point as “that which has no part.” Many people (including this author)
find this to be a pretty confusing definition. What does Euclid mean by
this statement? However, from our modern viewpoint, a point is an ordered
list of numbers, like
\[ (1,1)\quad \text {or}\quad (4,2). \]
We have grown to see that a point should be thought
of as location, and nothing but location. With this definition in mind, it
doesn’t really make sense to have operations between points like addition or
When trying to understand the world around us, we are often concerned with
quantities that denote both direction and magnitude. We can do this by starting with
two points
and thinking of the
differences of their coordinates.
This object formed by the differences in the values of the coordinates of the points is
called a vector. In the graph above, the vector is \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}=\left \langle a-c,b-d \right \rangle \). We write vectors typographically
in boldface, decorated with a harpoon (like \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) or \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {w}}\)). Other authors may simply use a
boldface (like \(\mathbf {v}\) or \(\mathbf {w}\)) or just a harpoon (like \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{v}\) or \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{w}\)). We often visualize a vector
(at least in two and three dimensions) as an arrow to explicitly show its
direction and magnitude. This visualization leads us to our definition of a
A vector is something that can be ascribed the qualities of direction and magnitude.
What vector has its tip at \((1,2)\) and its tail at \((4,3)\)?
Note that since we are denoting the vector by a single pair of numbers, this pair of
numbers represents the tip of the vector, and we assume that the tail of the vector is at
the origin.
Two vectors are
equal when they have the same direction and magnitude.
True or False: Given vectors \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\)
and \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {w}}\) in the diagram below
we have that \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}=\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {w}}\).
true false
Vectors need not be limited to the \((x,y)\)-plane. They can have any dimension.
The dimension of a vector is the number of entries. Each individual entry of a
vector is called a component.
In \(\mathbb {R}^2\) we usually label the first component the “\(x\)-component,” and the second
component the “\(y\)-component.” In \(\mathbb {R}^3\) we usually label the components “\(x\),” “\(y\),” and
What is the dimension of the vector
\[ \left \langle 3,4,1,-4 \right \rangle ? \]
\[ \text {Dimension} = \answer {4} \]
What are the components of the vector
\(\left \langle 1,2,3 \right \rangle \)?
The \(x\)-component is \(\answer {1}\).
The \(y\)-component is \(\answer {2}\).
The \(z\)-component is \(\answer {3}\).
So far, we have mostly studied functions which take single numbers as their inputs
and output either individual numbers or ordered pairs (as in the case of parametric
functions). Now, we set the stage for the study of functions that accept
lists of numbers as inputs and give lists of numbers as outputs. When we
want to keep track of more than one number at a time, especially when we
have more than one output depending on the same input, we often use a
1.1 Computing the direction and magnitude of vectors
Since vectors are determined only by their direction and magnitude, notation such as
\[ \left \langle a,b,c \right \rangle \]
completely describes a vector, since we assume the tail is at the origin. We should
point out that the following are other types of notation for vectors.
\[ \begin{bmatrix} a\\ b\\ c \end{bmatrix}, \quad \begin{bmatrix} a & b & c \end{bmatrix}, \quad (a,b,c). \]
dealing with a vector in \(1\), \(2\), or \(3\) dimensions, we can visualize the vector as
a directed arrow, where the magnitude of the vector is the length of the
What is the magnitude of the vector \(\left \langle 1,1 \right \rangle \)?
\[ \text {Magnitude} = \answer {\sqrt {2}} \]
You were able to find the answer to the question above because you are used to
working with \(2\) dimensional objects. We make the following definition in \(n\)
Let \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}} = \left \langle v_1, v_2, v_3, \dots , v_n \right \rangle \) in \(\mathbb {R}^n\) be an \(n\)-dimensional vector. Then the magnitude of \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) is denoted by \(|\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}|\) and is
defined by:
Now, let us investigate the geometry of addition of vectors. Let \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}} = \left \langle 1,2 \right \rangle \) and \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {w}} = \left \langle 3,1 \right \rangle \).
If we place the tail of the vector \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {w}}\) at the tip of the vector \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\), like this:
or like this:
then the sum \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}+\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {w}}\)
connects the tail of \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) to the tip of \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {w}}\). In fact, you can think of the sum of two
vectors as being the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by the two vectors.
If \(s\) is a positive constant, and \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) is a vector, then vector \(s\cdot \overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\)
points in the same direction as \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\), but its length is scaled by a factor of \(s\). If \(s\) is negative,
then \(s\cdot \overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) points in the opposite direction of \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\), and its length is scaled by a factor of \(|s|\).
3 Unit vectors
Vectors with magnitude \(1\) are particularly important.
A unit vector is a vector of magnitude \(1\). In this text, unit vectors will wear hats: \(|\mathbf {\hat {u}}|=1\).
If \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) is a nonzero vector, then the unit vector which points in the same direction as \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) is \(\frac {\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}}{|\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}|}\).
Find a unit vector \(\mathbf {\hat {u}}\) which points in the same direction as the vector \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}} = \left \langle 2,1,3,7,1 \right \rangle \).
Scaling the
vector \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) by the reciprocal of its magnitude should result in a magnitude \(1\) vector which
points in the same direction.
This equation illustrates the fact that a vector has both magnitude
and direction, where we view a unit vector as supplying only direction information.
Identifying unit vectors with direction allows us to define parallel vectors.
vectors \(\mathbf {\hat {u}}\) and \(\mathbf {\hat {v}}\) are parallel if
Nonzero vectors \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {a}}\) and \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {b}}\) are parallel if their respective
unit vectors are parallel.
It is equivalent to say that vectors \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {a}}\) and \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {b}}\) are parallel if there
is a scalar \(s\neq 0\) such that \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {a}} = s\cdot \overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {b}}\).
Let \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}} = \left \langle 1,-4,2 \right \rangle \). Find all unit vectors parallel to \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\). Write your answers in the order of increasing
Note that the zero vector \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {0}}\) is directionless, because there is no unit vector in the
“direction” of \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {0}}\). Different authors have different conventions regarding the zero vector.
Some even say the zero vector is “parallel to every vector.” We prefer to simply say
that the zero vector has no direction, as this statement is grounded in the fact that
unit vectors provide direction information. So, in our case, the zero vector is
not parallel to any vector. Check for yourself using our definition of parallel
True or False: If two vectors are parallel, then they point in the same direction.
true false
3.1 Angles and vectors
Sometimes you want to specify a vector with an angle relative to a given line. If we
graphed all of the unit vectors in \(\mathbb {R}^2\) with their tails at the origin, then the tips would
all lie on the unit circle.
Based on what we know from trigonometry, we can then say that the components of
any unit vector in \(\mathbb {R}^2\) can be expressed as \(\left \langle \cos (\theta ),\sin (\theta ) \right \rangle \) for some angle \(\theta \).
Unit vectors that make an angle of \(\theta \) radians with the \(x\)-axis are given by
There are three famous unit vectors: \(\boldsymbol {\hat {\imath }}\), \(\boldsymbol {\hat {\jmath }}\), \(\boldsymbol {\hat {k}}\). Typically when working in two dimensions
Consider a weight of \(50\mathrm {lb}\) hanging from two chains.
One chain makes an angle of \(30^\circ \) with the vertical, and the other an angle of \(45^\circ \). Find the
magnitude of the force applied to each chain.
Start by converting all angles to
be measured from the horizontal.
can view each chain as “pulling” the weight up, preventing it from falling.
We can represent the force from each chain with a vector. First, we’ll let \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {F}}_W\)
be the force of the weight due to gravity. Since pounds are a unit of force,
this is just \(\left \langle \answer [given]{0},\answer [given]{-50} \right \rangle \). Let \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {F}}_1\) represent the force from the chain making an angle of \(120^\circ \)
with the horizontal axis, and let \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {F}}_2\) represent the force from the other chain.
The sum of the entries in the first component is 0, and the sum of the entries in the
second component is also 0. This leads us to the following system of equations.
\begin{align*} m_1\cos (120^\circ ) + m_2\cos (45^\circ ) &=0 \\ m_1\sin (120^\circ ) + m_2\sin (45^\circ ) &=50 \end{align*}
We leave it to the reader to verify that the solution is
Look again at the big picture for our example with the weight. We knew from the
physical situation that we had three vectors which should together sum to the zero
vector. Instead of having to somehow describe this situation with a single equation,
we used the components of the vectors to form a system of equations, which was
much easier to solve! Modeling the problem with vectors helped us to apply our
mathematical tools smartly.
5 The difference between a point and a vector
You may be wondering, “What’s the difference between a point and a vector?” Here’s
the deal: A point \(P\) specifies location alone. This location is denoted by an \(n\)-tuple
\[ P=(p_1,p_2,\dots ,p_n). \]
vector \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\) is also represented by an \(n\)-tuple
but the interpretation of this \(n\)-tuple is quite
different than that of a point. With a vector, the tuple represents the location of
the “tip” of the vector when the “tail” of the vector is at the origin. By
thinking of this tuple, \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\), as a vector, we can perform many arithmetic and
algebraic calculations as we discussed above. Remember that being able to do
these operations helped us to distinguish vectors from points! However, as
long as it makes sense to do so, we can also denote points with vectors.
Since a vector can be
represented by an \(n\)-tuple, we denote a point with a vector by imagining the tail of the
vector as being at the origin. Placing a vector with its tail at the origin is sometimes
called standard position.
We summarize the arithmetic and algebraic properties of vectors below.
Properties of Vectors The following are true for all scalars \(s\) and \(t\), and for all vectors \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {u}}\), \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {v}}\)
and \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {w}}\) in \(\mathbb {R}^n\).
\(|\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {u}}| = 0\) if and only if \(\overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {u}} = \overset {\rightharpoonup }{\mathbf {0}}\).
Note, you should not memorize these properties (yet!). Rather, you should be able to
work with vectors, and use these properties when appropriate.