We differentiate polar functions.

The previous section discussed a special class of parametric functions called polar functions. We know that \begin{align*} dx &= x'(t) dt\\ dy &= y'(t) dt, \end{align*}

and so we can compute the derivative of \(y\) with respect to \(x\) using differentials:

\[ \frac {dy}{dx} = \frac {y'(t) dt}{x'(t) dt} = \frac {y'(t)}{x'(t)} \]

provided that \(x'(t) \ne 0\). With polar functions we have \begin{align*} x(\theta ) &= r(\theta ) \cdot \cos (\theta ) \\ y(\theta ) &= r(\theta ) \cdot \sin (\theta ), \end{align*}

so \begin{align*} \frac {dy}{dx} &= \frac {y'(\theta )}{x'(\theta )} \\ &= \frac {r'(\theta ) \sin (\theta )+r(\theta ) \cos (\theta )}{r'(\theta )\cos (\theta )-r(\theta )\sin (\theta )} \end{align*}

provided that \(x'(\theta )\ne 0\).

When the graph of the polar function \(r(\theta )\) intersects the origin (sometimes called the “pole”), then \(r(\alpha )=0\) for some angle \(\alpha \).

When \(r(\alpha ) = 0\), what is the formula for \(\frac {dy}{dx}\)?
\(\frac {dy}{dx}= \sin (\alpha )\). \(\frac {dy}{dx}= \cos (\alpha )\). \(\frac {dy}{dx}= \tan (\alpha )\).

The answer to the question above leads us to an interesting point. It tells us the slope of the tangent line at the pole. When a polar graph touches the pole at \(\theta =\alpha \), the equation of the tangent line in polar coordinates at the pole is \(\theta =\alpha \).

2025-01-06 20:25:14