There are advantages to working with complex numbers.

The identity can be expressed as saying that is unitarily similar to the triangular matrix (in other words, the similarity matrix is not just invertible, but unitary). It is reasonable to ask whether of not a complex matrix is unitarily similar to a diagonal matrix, or alternatively, whether or not admits an orthonormal basis consisting of eigenvectors of .

Shur’s identity can be rewritten as ( unitary and triangular). Then normal implies Recalling that , and that unitary means , the above identity simplifies to One can check that this last condition implies must be a diagonal matrix (in other words, the only triangular matrix which is also normal is a diagonal one. Note, though, that need not have real entries).

Conversely, if is diagonal, then is normal (as we just noted), and is unitarily similar to a normal matrix, which implies it too is normal.