Instructions for installing Ximera locally.
Then the work-flow is that one creates documents on the Windows side, uses GitHub to push them to a remote repository, and then pulls to Ubuntu for Windows. Finally xake is used to deploy the documnets to the web on the Ubuntu Side.
Install ximeraLaTeX
Visit the repo on XimeraProject/ximeraLatex GitHub page and click the “Clone in Desktop” button.
Create the directory structure:
and move ximeraLatex to C:\localtexmf\tex\latex\. For MiKteX to notice this directory, go to:
- Start All programs MiKTeX Folder Maintenance (Admin) Folder Settings (Admin).
- Now select the tab “Roots.”
- Click “Add” because you are going to add a path.
- Find C:\localtexmf\ and click “OK.”
- Click “apply” then “OK.”
- Reopen Miktex Settings (Admin). Click Refresh FNDB.
This will allow all of your documents to find ximera.cls. Note, it is important that none of the directories containing ximeraLatex have spaces in their names. Once you move ximerLatex, you will need to tell your GitHub client where to look for it, you can do this using “find files.”
Installing Ubuntu for windows
First you will want to install “Ubuntu” for Windows. You download this from the Microsoft Store. While this process can be somewhat complex, however, following the prompts will get you there.
At some point it will ask you for a username and password. Choose a username that is reasonable, and a password that you can type when needed (it doesn’t need to be super secret).
Once it is installed you will see something like:
Now lets keep your computer up-to-date:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Now we need to install some software:
sudo apt install texlive-full
Install ximeraLaTeX
This can be done by going to XimeraProject/ximeraLatex GitHub page, and scrolling down to the directions for your particular platform.
Install xake
Xake is Ximera’s version of “make” and it converts the LATEX source into HTML.