Instructions for making graphics and videos.


One way to insert images into a Ximera activity, is to have the image in the directory with \includegraphics. We recommend using the image environment for all of you images.

Note, you may need to update your graphics path in the xourse file, so that the xourse file can find your graphic. This can be set up in the preamble like this:

Another way to include graphics is to use Tikz. In some sense this is preferred, as then the source produces the images.

        axis lines=center,  
        every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south},  
        every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west},  
      \addplot [ultra thick, blue, smooth] {sin(deg(x))};  

Interactive graphics

The graph command

The easiest way to include an interactive graph is to use the \graph command. Unfortunately, the \graph command doesn’t draw a graph in the PDF, rather, it states (in words) that a graph is produced. There are a number of options for the \graph command:

Change viewing window

Restricting domain
\graph{x^2 \left\{ 1 \leq x \leq 10 \right\} }  
Default panel displayed

Restricting window
\graph[xmin=0, xmax=10, ymin=0, ymax=10]{x^2}  
Axis labels
\graph[xAxisLabel="time", yAxisLabel="distance"]{y=x}  
Hide axes
\graph[hideXAxis=true, hideYAxis=true]{x^2}  
Hide tick marks
\graph[hideXAxisNumbers=true, hideYAxisNumbers=true]{x=y^2}  
Polar graphing

Polar gridlines
Graphing a piecewise function
\graph{ \sin(x)\left\{x<0\right\}, 2x\left\{ x>=0 \right\} }  


If you require further features from Desmos, you can sign up for an account and include your worksheets like this:



You can also use GeoGebra. Embed the widget using the syntax \geogebra{ID}{width}{height}, where ID is the widget ID and width and height are the dimensions (in pixels) you want the embedded widget to have.


Note, you may wish to use the onlineOnly environment with your interactives.


You can also embed YouTube videos.
