Let’s walk the bridge backwards
Closed Form
find the closed form formula and the interval of convergence.
The infinite geometric series will equal \(\frac {2}{2-t}\) on \((-2, 2)\). How many terms of the series to we need for a good approximation on just \((-0.75, 0.75)\)?
find the closed form formula and the interval of convergence.
This is the same Geometric series, except missing the first two terms. The interval of convergence is \((-2, 2)\), since this is when the inside of the general term is \(-1\) and \(1\).
The closed form is the same, except subtract off the first two terms.
need a common denominator
On the other hand, we could have factored out \(\left ( \frac {t}{2} \right )\) in order to get the index back to \(0\).
Then the closed form would be
Same formula.
find the closed form formula and the interval of convergence.
This is a Geometric series. The interval of convergence is \((1, 5)\), since this is when the inside of the general term is \(-1\) and \(1\). Our interval is centered at \(3\), which is where the terms equal \(0\).
The closed form is
Our closed form formula has a singularity at \(5\). Therefore, our series equivalence cannot go beyond \(5\), which it does not.
more examples can be found by following this link
More Examples of Geometric Series