
Suppose a rectangle has width and length , with area and perimeter . The area of the rectangle is and the perimeter is given by , giving the following system of equations Since the first equation here is not a linear equation, this is a nonlinear system of equations. If we want to find the dimensions of the corresponding rectangle, we must solve this system. Since calculations of areas and volumes are nonlinear in general, situations involving geometric shapes often result in nonlinear systems of equations.

To solve this system, we will start by dividing both sides of the second equation by , to obtain the following equivalent system. If this second equation is satisfied, that means , which can be substituted into the top equation to eliminate the variable .

The factor gives a solution of , and the factor gives a solution of .

Looking back at we see that if , then and if then .

There are two possible rectangles: One with width and length , and the other with width and length .

Applications of Systems

A rectangle is drawn in the first quadrant with one side along the -axis, one side along the -axis, the lower left corner at the origin, and upper right corner on the graph of the equation . Denote this upper right vertex as . Find the coordinates of the point if the area of the rectangle is .
A right triangle has hypotenuse of length and area . Find the lengths of the two legs of the triangle.
Suppose we have a box with square base, as illustrated below, constructed to have volume and surface area . Call the side-lengths of the base as , and the height of the box as . Find the dimensions of the box.