
In this section, we study systems of non-linear equations. Unlike the systems of linear equations for which we have developed several algorithmic solution techniques, there is no general algorithm to solve systems of non-linear equations. Moreover, all of the usual hazards of non-linear equations like extraneous solutions and unusual function domains are once again present. Along with the tried and true techniques of substitution and elimination, we shall often need equal parts tenacity and ingenuity to see a problem through to the end. You may find it necessary to review topics throughout the text which pertain to solving equations involving the various functions we have studied thus far.

What are non-linear systems of equations?

The key to identifying non-linear equations is to note that the variables involved are not necessarily to the first power, and the coefficients of the variables may not just be real numbers. Some examples of equations which are non-linear are , and . An example of a non-linear system of equations is given by

Note that this system is non-linear because the variables and are raised to the second power.

Another example of a non-linear system of equations is given by

Even though and are both raised to the first power in the second equation above, the first equation still contains second powers of variables, so this is a non-linear system.

Solving systems graphically

Finding solutions to non-linear systems is the same concept as finding solutions to linear systems. This means that we can also think about finding solutions as finding intersections points of the graphs of the equations in our system.

Note that we can characterize systems of nonlinear equations as being consistent or inconsistent, just like their linear counterparts. Unlike systems of linear equations, however, it is possible for a system of non-linear equations to have more than one solution without having infinitely many solutions. Secondly, as we have seen above, sometimes making a quick sketch of the problem situation can save a lot of time and effort. While in general the graphs of equations in a non-linear system may not be easily visualized, it sometimes pays to take advantage of visualization when you are able.